My wife turned to me today and asked, “Do you think this country is falling apart?  Maybe we should get our passports renewed.”

Her question is timely, as for the past week or so, the news has been full of crazy, extremist, wingnuts publicly going off the deep-end.

The arrests this week of the Hutaree members comes amid what the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama nonprofit that tracks extremism, has called "an explosion of new extremist groups and activism across the nation." The organization has cited the economic downturn as a major reason for the change, and contends that the far right has been particularly animated by the election of the nation's first black president.

Those groups "came roaring back after years out of the limelight," Mark Potok, director of the SPLC Intelligence Project, wrote in the group’s latest report. Last week, a new Harris poll reveals that 24 percent -repeating now, 24 percent- of Republicans say Obama “may be the Antichrist."

So what’s a stump-jumpin’, ridge-runnin’ “Christian foot soldier” armed to the hilt who never outgrew playing army, creating an organization with a rank structure straight out of Pokemon to do?

"Preparing for the end time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive"

From top left, David Brian Stone Sr., 44, of Clayton, Mich,; David Brian Stone Jr. of Adrian, Mich,; Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio; Tina <br / Mae Stone. Bottom row from left: Michael David Meeks, 40, of Manch...
From top left, David Brian Stone Sr., 44, of Clayton, Mich,; David Brian Stone Jr. of Adrian, Mich,; Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio; Tina Mae Stone. Bottom row from left: Michael David Meeks, 40, of Manchester, Mich,; Kristopher T. Sickles, 27, of Sandusky, Ohio; Joshua John Clough, 28, of Blissfield, Mich.; and Thomas William Piatek, 46, of Whiting, Ind. (U.S. Marshall / Associated Press)

Yesterday, this from small;"">From The Detroit News:

Nine members of a Lenawee County-based militia group were planning to "levy war" against the United States and "oppose by force" the nation's government, according to an indictment unsealed this morning in U.S. District Court in Detroit.

They had plans to kill a local law enforcement official and, once officers from across the country came to the funeral, to attack the funeral procession, the indictment alleges.

Because, apparently that is what Jesus would do.

Don’t we as first responders already have enough to worry about? This brings to mind this Pulitzer Prize winning photo by Charles H. Porter IV.  It captures perhaps the darkest moment in the life of Oklahoma City Firefighter Chris Fields, who, on what is arguably the worst call on the worst day of his life, carries Baylee Almon, who became a dead baby shortly after the Murrah Federal Building was bombed in 1995.

Seriously, can you think of a worse day in your career?

       Pray you'll never have to see what Chris's eyes saw

Accept my apologies for exposing you to the graphic image from that tragic day.  But it bears close scrutiny in order to put the events of these last few days into some sort of perspective.

Imagine what could be going through Chris’s mind as he stares down at the face of such an innocent angel. 

Man, how does he still deal with that?

My brothers and sisters, home-grown terrorists who care not about killing babies and massacring cops at a policeman’s funeral don’t give a damn about you or your safety, let alone Jesus Christ.  In their dimly-lit skulls, these nutjobs are readying themselves for the violence of The Rapture, justifying their mission as following the teachings of the Christian faith.

You know- Thou Shalt Kill.

It’s not just extremist Muslims, folks.It’s Frank from the car dealership and Jim Bob from the bait store.  Another homegrown threat (again from Michigan) reminds us that terrorism is alive and well and thriving in the hearts and minds of those among us right here in the good old United States who call themselves Christian foot soldiers.

Because, apparently that is what Jesus would do.

Remember that scene safety is still at the top of the priority pyramid.

Be careful out there folks. It’s nuttier than ever.

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It's a sad state of affairs when political and/or religious ideology trumps decency and humanity.
But a good lesson can be learned from your post, FD: It isn't islam, christianity or judaism that is necessarily evil but rather only those that take from their religion that which serves their twisted personal goals.
I once got into a sticky situation at a domestic disturbance call. That was enough and certainly wasn't as bad as any of these idiots can bring to the table. Since that time I always have had a profound respect for safety but a sad realization that no matter how safe we attempt to be the well laid plans of some lunatic may well be laying in wait. We must watch our backs and every body should go home.
More people have been killed in the name of God than any other cause... makes you wonder, doesn't it.
Amen Jack, religion does not scare me, fanaticism does!
I listened to a radio program the other day as I was spinning the dial and came across a conversation with a fundamentalist muslim who was on a panel focusing on religiion. One of the panelists was a Baptist preacher who was by no means a large parish or church leader, but instead came from a small country church. Just another preacher...

But he was on the panel, and had the chance to ask the muslim scholar if all muslim non-believers were considered to be infidels. The scholar replied yes. The preacher then asked if it was written in the Koran that all non-believers should be killed. The scholar again said yes. The preacher then did an amazing comparison. He asked the muslim scholar why he would follow a doctrine that preached to kill verses following Jesus who preached to love. The man was speechless and you could have heard a pin drop in the room according to the narrator.

TCSS & God Bless You and Yours,
Absolutely right, Ron. Holy wars and fanatics. Makes one wonder.
Capitan Busy - I'm assuming you haven't read the Bible. Joshua goes tear-assing through the holy land, slaughtering everyone who lives there and isn't an Israelite. Leviticus brings down the terror on non-believers and pagans, Paul routinely bad-mouths non-believers in his letters.

A fundamentalist in any religion is going to have the same crazy-ass worldview. I think moderation in all things, including religious zeal is the better path. I used to live with a (very devout) Moslem when I was in university. He was appalled at the religious violence being done in Allah's name..he even quoted the Koran which explicitly states you cannot harm civilians, children, in fact, you can't even damage non-believers' plants! I think the quote (from memory almost 20 years ago) was you cannot damage "one green leaf on a tree."

The fundamentalists and Islamists are preaching a political message, and are just as Moslem as these militia bozos are Christian. If Jesus (or Mohammed) met these guys, he would be pissed!
this makes sense in so many ways, or at least sure hope your on track with folks basically being decent and wanting to have the freedom to have and raise their families and go on through life, making the world a better place. anyone using violence for any reason in my book is just plain wrong. so much if not all the input these days about muslims is not necessarily a positive thing. but maybe that's just the states? as far as my reading the bible, I was referring only to the jihad extremist viewpoint that all 'infidels' need to be dealt with, and not verbally... my concept of christianity is not one to go out looking to hurt or kill anyone. if anyone is killing us, it's the chinese not the muslims... but just a little at a time, like using lead paint on childrens toys or tainting food products... not sure if the cars they make are all that safe nor many of the other things that we end up purchasing... just another example of fundamentalism?
Amen, brother.

I think you can sum up the best parts of any religion with a phrase from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure - "Be excellent to each other". Do your thing, let me do mine. Try not to burn down anything important.
are all aussies as cool as you?
Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776)

The Unanimous Declaration Of the Thirteen United States of America

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Who needs Jesus as an excuse? The right of the people to overturn the government is espoused in the very Declaration Of Independence. Have we forgotten that at one point our founding fathers were indeed terrorists when seen from the British point of view.

You mention Oklahoma City and the bombing of the Murrah building . With all the unanswered questions that came out of that tragic day, perhaps we should also ask , what made a decorated war veteran feel that his government had gone to such a length to oppress the people that his only option was to bomb the federal building.

When a minority, 224 Democrats can over rule the majority voice of the people 43-54 % opposed to the new health care bill, You have to actually wonder why people are upset and turning violent?
To quote a recently seen bumper sticker "I LOVE MY COUNTRY, IT"S THE GOVERNMENT THAT SCARES ME!"

I'm glad I don't fly anymore I probably just made it onto the don't fly list.
Besides expressing your own political viewpoint here, what does the health care bill have to do with this discussion? Certainly you're not comparing it to the OK city bombing? (Although you appear to justify it somehow by questioning why a decorated vet would do such a thing. Maybe he too lacked the ability to see beyond his own ignorance.)

It's interesting that you chose to politicize this discussion towards your own political leanings rather than see it for what it was, that people who are SO adamant about their OWN ideology will go to any length to get other people to agree with them. Even to the point of violence. Obviously the discussion is lost on you.

Oh, and I'm positive that jesus would have been in favor of the health care bill, after all, making sure that those that had nothing were taken care of was pretty much what he was about. Shame you don't read your bible like you do you constitution. Sad.

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