Have you ever been somewhere and never expected to see someone you know?    Lets hear about it.    Better yet have you ever gone to a job interview and meet someone that you have talked to on here?


It puts a whole new spin on what what you post.

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Ran into a friend in Niagara Falls once.

So, let's hear it, what happened?
I had an interview with AMR last week and found out as soon as I walked in the door theres a test. As I am sitting around waiting on the test this gentleman started talking to me. I introduced myself and shook his hand and when he said his name I figured out where I knew the name from I MET HIM HERE ON FIREFIGHTER NATION. So EVERYTHING that I have ever said on here is viewable and a few of my views on here were common knowledge. I dont know if they checked me out but I do know that they asked me some questions that were pointing twards things I have discussed on here.

Wow am I glad I thought about that way back when yall told me to watch it. It could have been very damaging if I would have ran my mouth and acted like a little kid.

Thanks Chief Sharp
Haha, good stuff. Hope ya did well.
Slighty different. I was in Colorado a couple of years ago. Whenever I go on a trip I'm recruited by dad to do a little patch swapping. While visiting a station, met a guy whose mother live 2 blocks from me.
My wife has sworn for years that I either know someone, or know someone that some total stranger knows in just about every town in America. We've been flying up to visit her inlaws and changing planes in either Cincy or O'Hare and I've ran into people I know. Once at the airport bar in Cincy I not only ran into people I knew, as we talked about stuff at home I got approached by a guy who said he had family from our area and started naming names. One of his cousins was a good friend of mine in high school.

Back in '01 we went on a cruise in the Gulf. As we were standing in line my wife out of the blue says "I bet you don't see anybody here that you know other than the group we are with." She no sooner said it than I looked up and three rows in front of us was a firefighter from here in the county I had taken several classes with. I could have taken advantage of her and bet her money, but I had an honest spell that day so I told her right away she was wrong, and hailed the guy.
I was flying back from NFA in Maryland to Oregon with two other members of my department. We had to change planes in Atlanta, as we were settling in on the plane in Atlanta got to talking to the passenger across the aisle from me and it turned out he owned a house that we had been to when he had a fire.
I've been preaching this since I first got involved with the FFN. Be careful what you write down, because it will come back to haunt you as you found out personally. Human resource folks now routinely peruse facebook, myspace, FFN, Fire Engineering, whatever... Anyone doubting this needs to only post a discussion on the FFN, then google the discussion topic and watch it immediately pop up as a link, on the first page of your search... very scary.
In about 2001 I went for a job interview and as I'm waiting in reception, my boss walks out of the interview room! He'd gone for the same job. :-(

To make things worse (or better!), I got the job, not him! They said I was better experienced and suited to the role.... ;-) (It's actually the place where the photo in my avatar was taken)
Not a firefighter, but a military buddy. While stationed in Hawaii, Wife and I split the rent with a Photo Mate who worked for CinC Pac. He gets orders for Miramar, so we part ways. Fast forward a couple of years - I'm working Casino security in Las Vegas, and up drives Nik, this time as a cab driver.
You know, thats a very good point! It seems that every single time I go anywhere.. I mean ANYWHERE, any Country, any State or Province, Any City or Town, I always seem to see a brother or sister! Talk about a big family.
well nothing bad comes up when you search my name so I am good. And I have a feeling that I am gonna get on with them. I realize EMS isnt my long term goal. But I want that experience on my resume. I dont really wanna be a medic on a truck that has no street sence.
I am waiting to board my flight out of london England and this guy walks up to me an says "hey dont you live in Brookings an are the Fire Chief"? Talk about a small word. He was from Brookings too.

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