WBZ-TV, the CBS affiliate her in Boston ran an "investigative report" on "Firefighters getting lunch... on your dime"...


Check out the feedback on the WBZ-TV I team's report about "firefighters getting lunch"...


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Why the heck didn't the commissioner say it was just down the street from quarters?

The commissioner may not have known this information, but would have been easy for the "investigative" reporter to find out. I also found it interesting call and training logs were pulled, but the simple little issue of why they were shopping wasn't asked.
hahahahahahahaahahahhahaahaaaaaa!!! That right there is funny sheet Jack :)
Wait, we're allowed to eat while on duty!?! Damn, no wonder I'm so scrawny!
Not to mention the possibility that they were out servicing hydrants or conducting research for pre-plans...

Like I said, Shortsleeve is a jackass.
This is what I sent to t http://wbztv.com/contact

As a firefighter for 29+ years, rising through the ranks to my present position as a Deputy Fire Chief, I was appalled at the so called "I-Team investigation" about firefighters having using trucks to go for lunch. Unlike the rest of the world, firefighters do not get "lunch breaks" and are expected to respond when the tones go off. Back in the 1890s/1900s firefighters literally lived in the firehouse, had 1 hour off a day and 1 day off a month. Today, we work an average of 42 hours a week and consider the firehouse a second home.

The crews stay together on the rig for crew integrity and accountability. They are able to respond from whatever location they are at in a matter of moments, with all of their personnel ready to fight ther fire, attend to the accidetn or hazmat incident the monet they get off the rig.

Firefighting operations are labor intensive, one person less on a crew can mean the difference in lives and property saved.

If the I-Team really wanted to do a story about firefighters, they should be covering station brownouts and closings, firefighter layoffs, increased response times and the resulting effects on fire insurance rates and ISO ratings. How about investigating the city and town officals who refuse to listen to the needs of their department heads and instead put their re-election to their position or higher aspirations ahead of the needs of the community?

How about discussing the effects of a line of duty death on a firefighters two families... the one they live with and the one they work with?

When someone's house is on fire.. they don't call their City Councilors, Selectmen, Aldermen or Mayors. They call the Fire Department.

Joe Shortsleeve and the WBZ-TV news operation owe the firefighters of Boston and their entire viewing area an apology for this "sweeps senstationalized" non story/non issue.

Just my 10 cents worth.. Deputy Chiefs have to pay a little more.
Maybe in the future when someone's house is on fire, they should first call Joe Shortsleeve. You know, to justify whether or not the fire department should respond. Sheesh...what a maroon.
OH MY GOD!.......They got hungry and went to pick up stuff for lunch and maybe dinner to!.This is a load of crap,this just goes to show you that the media is just as bad as some politicians.What next? Police Cars Driving around aimlessly?,Paid Ambulances "Posted" At the Street Corner/Hospital waiting for a call?? PLEASE,the media and bureaucrats have got to stop,and mind their own business!
I JUST LOVE IT. I had put another word in place of just but don't think it would fly!
Ok I hope I don't say something out of line here. YOU GUYS can only shop when returning from a call? WHAT the hell do you do to eat if you don't get a call? You can bet your hook and ladder the )(^)*(& Commisoniers are definatly going to take lunch and drive city or county owned vehicles to go eat! BULLS(*T!!!!!!!!!! You guys are getting &(^(%^&$&%%(&*
Hey Ron,

Let us know if you receive a reply from this. I'm guessing no.
What I find ironic, is that so many weigh into arguments about the importance of response times, yet when we get a crew caught out of their area, it's suddenly not such an issue?

So are they in area or out of area? Are response time really an issue or only for discussions about budget and staff cuts?
Stupid people making a story about nothing. Thats what sells newspapers and tv adds. People like that end up doing something stupid to end up needing the firefighters help. Good to see the support of the people who commented. Speaks volumes of support for them.

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