John Maxwell, in his book The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, asks why people desire to become a leader. For the perks or the benefits? Or are they motivated by a desire to help others? He suggests that if leaders want to
become the kind of leader that people want to follow, they must settle the
issue of “servanthood.”

Do you have an attitude that you should be served rather than to serve? If yes, Maxwell recommends the following advice:

·         Stop lording over people, and start listening to them.

·         Stop role-playing for advancement, and start risking for others’ benefit.

·         Stop seeking your own way, and start serving others.

Maxwell believes that “If you want to lead on the highest level, be willing to serve on the lowest level.”

What’s your motivation for leading others? The badge? The control? I hope it’s the same reason we’re in the fire service to begin with, to “serve others.”

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Words to live and serve by. AMEN!!! If your not willing to serve the last member of your squad then your in the wrong business.
my altruistic side tells me to listen to your words and be that person.

my reality side tells me that many folks who advance through the ranks do so for the wrong reasons and are successful only because of who they know or who they are. these folks get together with other like minded individuals and form cliques, which eventually ends up with the wrong people getting promoted to the higher officer ranks. I believe it's called the peter principle?

I always personally subscribed to the concept of serving others... you know, your crew comes first and your always last. If you take care of your crew, then they will take care of you, right? Yet, I have seen over and over guys promoting that were there just for the money, or prestige, or ability to exercise authority of people. I sure hated working for these types of individuals and I know we all have them. People are people, I'm just not one of them...

But then again, there's always the philosophy, "LEAD, FOLLOW OR GET OUT OF THE WAY!".


I cant really say how to lead in the fire service because I am not a leader. I am the kinda guy that just works no matter what needs done I do it. I dont delegate very well. To ask someone to do somthing that you wont do yourself is unacceptable. When I was in fire academy I was asked to lead (I think they were crazy). I asked them why and they told me that I pushed everyone to be better and was a good mediator. I dont see it so I declined but somehow I still had to be in some form of leadership so they put me as a leutinant. I know those arnt real ranks before someone points that out. I was just putting in this post because I believe the qualities I posess are not for leadership.

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