Would anyone happen to have any links or Cirriculum to all or any part of this topic. i sure could use the help in finding some.

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Congrat's on your effort to seek info on this very dangerous topic. It's something EVERY OFFICER & FIREFIGHTER SHOULD BE AWARE OF!!!!!! It's a lot more dangerous than most realize. The scary thing is it's out there more than we know or realize. And the more we're aware of , what to look for and what this can do to us the better off we all are.

I most recently help set up this training at our county fire school. The people to contact are the state or local drug task force and see if they offer an awareness training session for firefighters. They should be able to help you. You'll learn a lot from a few hours of training.

If you do connect someone who can help you and can set up a training session, offer your local mutual aid fire departments the opportunity to participate. The more that are aware of this topic the better.

I have some things I can e-mail you for downloading and printing out. I'll send them to you if you e-mail me at " nrs5f@comcast.net " in subject write "training download request".

Good luck in your quest. Stay safe, train often and share knowledge.

Norman Flanders
I know this is an old post, but I have a great powerpoint if needed.
I have some info that you might be able to use.
It some really nasty stuff and every firefighter should be aware of the dangers.
Also contact your local PD or Fire Investigator and ask if the have any classes you and your fd can attend.
Contact me at nrs5f@comcast.net . In subject write Trng Info Lab

Stay safe train often and share knowledge.
Please share your powerpoint with me.
Hey there I was just reading up on this and I would like to teach this class is there any way you can send me this ppt.

Thanks and stay safe,

Hi Jason ,

Could you please email me the power point presentation



Here's a couple of good places to start - ERTV came out with a free CD titled Clandestine Drug Labs: The Problem, The Danger, The Future, and Network Environmental Systems, Inc has some really good manuals, such as Clandestine Laboratory Site Safety Officer Field Guide, Clandestine Laboratory Operations and Safety Field Guide, Marijuana Field Guide, Clandestine Laboratory First Responder Field Guide, and finally Clandestine Laboratory Hazmat Field Guide. You can reach me at rpowell@zephyrenv.com if you need any more help. Stay safe out there, Brother!!
Hi there,I would really be interested in a copy of the ppt if you still have it,thanks in advance matmanhu@yahoo.ca
I would also like a copy of the power point.


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