Just a question do you think there should be exterior and interior firefighters? In my opinion i do.

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Please post the reason(s) for your opinion and wait for replies. TCSS
My opinion is there should be no seperation. A firefighter should be capable and able to do both offensive and defensive operations. If you can not, refuse not, or decide not to commit to doing both, then perhaps you shouldn't be a firefighter.

I'm not counting a chief here as an "outside" person because to be an effective leader you should know the different types of ops.
I believe that it would be hard to explain to the home owner when they ask, why aren't you going in the house to put out the fire? Well sir, the only guys and gals that have showed up on this call are the exterior firefighters, and the mutual aid department that's on their way is another 10 minutes out.

I would encourage all members to be interior certified on a volunteer department just for the fact that, you never know who's going to respond or show up? Interior firefighters can perform in either role. Now there are some that are just exterior for what ever reasons, and that's all their ever going to be and that's OK, but it shouldn't out number your interior members.
People love to post stuff like this....

Career, Call, Volunteer union or not union we all do the same job.

Then they attempt to justify that there should b "interior firefighters" and "exterior firefighters".


The only time it is the same job is when one is capable of performing both functions.
Period. Finis. End of story.
I agree my wife is an exterior firefighter and her services are of much value to our department and our company alone. I feel that everyone whether they are interior or exterior are valuable
So True So True.
We are all here to help the people when they need us. And if we all do the job the right way no one gets hurt
to BillySFCVFD the reasons i think there should be is one reason. Do you want to be inside fightinging the fire come out being tired and then have to perform exterior? im personlly glad to see exterior "firefighters" their to at least give interiors a break! And again their is alot of work to do while your are inside. If your company only shows up with exterior FF then don't you think it falls back to the Chiefs or Line Officers to get them the right training to become interior FF.Also if you don't have any interior FF you should not be responding to working fires!
I believe we should encourage all our members to be certified to do what ever job is needed. Regardless of interior or exterior operations. The next argument will be "oh we shouldnt have to attend drills or become certified either. There are plenty jobs on the department that dont require people to be trained or certified". If you want to do the job an be part of the department you should invest your time, efforts and desire to be all you can be.
Thanks Chief at least we heard from a Chief on this
Do you want to be inside fightinging the fire come out being tired and then have to perform exterior? im personlly glad to see exterior "firefighters" their to at least give interiors a break!

Wouldn't it make more sense to have people ready to step right in and go interior rather than one crew come out, change air bottles and go right back in? Wouldn't it make more sense to have crews ready to go interior right away, especially in the case of a MAYDAY? How does that situation get explained? Maybe you only have 2 "interior" crews, first one comes out, second goes in and now something happens. Who goes back in, the crew that just came out? Wouldn't it make more sense to have anyone on the fireground to be able to operate in any job?

What are these exterior jobs that an interior crew would have to perform after coming out? Laddering? Should already be done, cut vent holes? Probably should be done already. Surround and drown? Sitting on a line doesn't use as much energy as an interior attack would.
John Our dept. has 7 companys. Our company has 13 interior FF out of 25. and that is just ours . inour dept. we do have alot of both and our mutual aid is just a stone throw away and we do have a RIT team coming in on the 1st alarm. Ican't answer for the rest of the companies. One of the mutual aid co. we have coming in the alway show up with at least 10 to 15 Firefighters i know that because one is my son-in-law
We dont have exterior firefighters but we do have support people that engineer, rehab, and do accountability for us. Use them wear you can.

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