As the discussions continue , I am curious if one really taught you anything . I learned that the color black in turnouts is not as bad as I thought . I thought it would be dangerous and hot but allot of you said the opposite . I am now not concerned with what color I wear . What about you , what have you learned ? I also learned no matter what the topic , we are all in this together at the end . God Bless and Be safe .

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i cant say for sure that i have learned that much from here, seeing as i dont know 90% of what you guys are talking about, but i enjoy reading the discussions, esp the ones from Chief Norman, and also the "10 minutes in the street" series, im sure once i start fire training, i will be able to pick up on alot more, and apply it in my fire life!
Rusty thanks for thanking of all of us...And our training we bring to you guys...There will be more to come brother...I promise...
Streetking, thanks for reading and participating in these threads, In due time brother you will be the one who will be teaching, and other fireman will be learning from you...I tilt my helmet to ya sir..
From Wikipedia:
"Kumbaya" (also spelled "Kum Bay Ya" or "Kum ba yah"; literally "Come By Here")...
you got to love the google, the internets and the youtubes:

Sk - that's because you have no context to put this all into. After you've completed FFI it will start to make (more) sense. Til then, keep reading, it's a long bus ride.
thanks Chief, appreciate that!
i certainly cant wait, im super excited, today is my orientation for my getting into the fire training academy
Good to hear, good luck with it.
start the campfire

'member ya can't forget the propane tank to start it with.
Good luck at the academy!


Don't cross The Goddess!
Have fun and learn all you can . Go in with an open mind as we all can learn . Be safe . congrats.

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