Ray Edwards
  • 61, Male
  • Pueblo West , Colorado
  • United States
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  • Ethan Foster
  • Firefighter Walther
  • poonstang90lx
  • Zach Bailey
  • Clint Witham
  • Brad Noblett
  • afc642
  • Andy
  • Rick Shadden
  • Ezell Simmons
  • Travis Hollis
  • Melinda Horn
  • Paul Ostrem
  • Jeshua Reeder

Words of wisdom:Remember, we are only as smart as the training we accept . I hope you all stay safe.Enjoy the site.

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Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Battalion Chief/District Chief/Shift Commander
Years in Fire/EMS:
Since 2003 through August 2009
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Lake Hamilton Fire Rescue. . Hot Springs,Arkansas
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Fire fighter 1,Modules 1,2,3,4,5,6,9a , 9b , 14,17,20..First responder,Iso,Instant resque boat operations,Basic Arson detection,Ics,Meth lab,Severe weather spotter,Marine firefighting
About Me:
I have 4 great kids from 10 - 32 .I was President of the Firefighters Association for 2 years and was on the Board of Directors.I was the Marine Division Chief for Lake Hamilton and Lake Catherine.. We have 5 boats on the lake including two on Lake Catherine for the first time. I was a first responder and firefighter.I was voted Fire Fighter of the Year 2005,First Responder of the Year 2006 and 2008 Volunteer of the Year voted by the citizens of the community .2008 First Responder of the Year.All of this is a reflection of our Fire Fighters hard work as a team.We all make one.
Day Job:
Regional Sales Manager.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
God sent me the message to help others as I can , I love to give back to my community.The joy you see of making someones worst day not be as bad.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Seeing a smile from someone you helped or a family member of one
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training , Safety , Retention, Appreciation.

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Ray Edwards's Blog

LODD Death

Posted on April 4, 2013 at 9:15pm 0 Comments

It is with great sadness to announce our Chief and friend has paased away . Mathew Simpson of Lake Hamilton Fire Dept in Hot Springs , Arkansas passed away today after a short battle with cancer . Please pray for the family and community . God Bless you Matt . You are a great friend .

Parents of jr.fire fighters or cadets

Posted on September 5, 2008 at 7:15pm 9 Comments

We are trying too get info from other parents of jr firefighters or cadets.What training does your dept. offer.What can your kids do?We have a great program that teaches safety first.We teach them to respect the situation. My daughter started at 13 and is now 15. She wants to be an emt and firefighter.Her experiance will help her when she turns 18 and can join and go in the hot zone.Be safe.

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At 7:19pm on March 3, 2010, Ezell Simmons said…
Hello Ray, I didn't notice until now that I had a friend request, and I would be honored to be you friend. Ez$$$
At 10:00pm on August 11, 2009, Melinda Horn said…
Thank you for the info. I'm going to put graphics on my SUV when I get home for this fire detail.
Stay safe out there.
At 1:11am on March 8, 2009, Herb Watts said…
Hey Ray, I finally got a chance to join everything on here is great. You can add me as a friend
At 8:39pm on January 17, 2009, Robert Nichols said…
Hows it going? Hows your mother doing? I hope that she is doing well.I went back to work I am on lite duty for now hope to get back to full duty pretty quick.Well have a good weekend
At 8:05pm on January 5, 2009, John Bierling said…
Hi Chief, I have a passion for the health and safety of our Firefighters. Scene safety depends on excellent Incident Command leadership. I have some information I'd like to share with you. If that's OK, please send your email address and I'll send along.
Thanks, John Bierling John@IncidentMT.com
At 5:41pm on November 24, 2008, Robert Nichols said…
I am doing fine everything is getting better.Getting my self back in order slowly.I been cleared to go back to work for lite duty for a bit.I hate being a gofar but I'll be back at work any way.Hope you have a great thanksgiving!!!!
At 11:17am on November 14, 2008, Robert Nichols said…
I hope that your mother does better and will keep her in my prayers.I thank you for the comment.Yes there is a big bond between fire fighters no matter where your from.Cancer is a bad thing to have to go through for anyone.But you have to have a good sense of humer to get you through anything.I hope you have a great day.
At 6:29pm on October 21, 2008, Jonathan said…
awesome page brother
At 10:36pm on October 11, 2008, jerry harper said…
it is alot of fun, we had to replace one of our 2 1/4 discharges on the robert c, the saltwater did not drain properly. hey good songs!
At 2:24pm on October 11, 2008, jerry harper said…
it is awesome, and if you take a look at a map of new jersey, we cover from the west side of the peninsula at fotescue to the east at atlantic city. the coastguard gave up their firefighting boat in th 80's so we have the honor of helping the marine vessels in the delaware bay and a portion of the atlantic

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