I'm looking in to getting the Bourke eyeshield attachment and goggles to go on my helmet over the standard face shield.
I would like to get some feedback on the Bourke eyeshield with goggles.

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not yet... money lol
By taking the face shield off you are no longer meeting NFPA requirements. I have Bourkes on my helmet and I like them. Better then the standard face shield. I also have the ESS goggles. Wouldnt be without them.
Bottom line, wear the appropriate safety gear for the appropriate activity.
This is the kind of helmet I have and use. The only problem I have with the shield that comes down is if something falls on your helmet, the shield will cut the bridge of your nose! But other than that, they stay out the way when not needed and stay clean and don't get smoked up. Obviously you can't use them with a face mask... good luck finding what you like!
i have clear bourkes and when i went into firefighter one they melted. thats why when i get a new pair they are going to amber
I use the Bourkes and I have had no problems with them. We all know that the best eye production, other than the SCBA mask itself, are the goggles. The bourkes do melt after alot of heat, so you will need to replace them occasionally. I use mine for extrication, overhaul, etc....
You guys continue to talk about safety glasses in interior fires. Last i checked safety glasses and an SCBA mask don't fit real well.
We were issued 1010's with goggles because our previous chief preferred goggles. We now have 1010's with the inside the helmet shields. I like the flip down because it is protected from scratches and covers better. I took my goggles for grass fires
I have Bourke's on m helmet but they are only there because I have to have something on the helmet (dept. rules). I use my SCBA to cover when working in a fire and safety glasses or goggles for eye protection. Bourkes don't give much protection and I have never used them, when I had helmets with shields I never used them either. I have always prefered safety glasses or goggles, I keep them on the rig or in my pocket. I used to wear goggles on my helmet but they always got dirty and you could not see anything so I put them in my pocket. I do not see the point of colored lenses for Bourkes, they will be dirty, smoked up, etc. unless you wash them every shift.
I have a Carin 1010 with the flip down eye shield. I cannot stand the bulky thing, because it messes with the Streamlight that I have mounted on the helmet. I just ordered the heat resistant Bourke. Anybody have any feedback on those.

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