Hi, I'm trying to find out if there are any standards or "rules" about uniform insignia? My husband has been a member of our local VFD for 27 years - 18 as Secretary, 4 as Chief. His paid job changed and required him to be out of town a great deal during his last year as Chief. During the next elections, he declined the nomination and stepped down to FF. That was 2 years ago.
The only member of the dept with more years is very very ill. Terminally. Husband wants to show this man great respect when his time comes. Dress uniforms are only worn for ceremonial occasions, including funerals. We have no mention of uniforms in our by-laws.
Is it appropriate for him to wear his Chief's 5-bugle collar insignia to a funeral? I have no idea where to look for proper use of insignia and would appreciate any help you can give me.

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Blackinton and possibly other insignia companies make "Past Chief" badges, collar brass, and other insignia.
That might be the most appropriate thing for the long run. An example is here.

In the short term, the best solution is to ask the current chief if he has any objections to a past chief wearing chief's brass to the funeral.
It's an interesting question. I recently saw an Ex-Captain over here in Oz, in a dress unform wearing "Ex-Captain" shoulder epaulettes.

I questioned this with some other CFA members and they said it's not actually approved, and mean absoultely nothing in the scheme of things.

It'd be interesting to see the outcome of your husbands requests. Me thinks Ben is probably on the money though...
As a show of respect your husbands company should let him where the 5 bugles. He;s obviously has earned them. Also where im from all Past Chiefs in just about every department wear a Past Chiefs badge with 5 bugles a white hate with 5 bugles with the scrambled eggs on the brim
Our department's tradition is for the past chiefs to wear white hat with 5 bugle "Past Chief" hat badge; 5 bugle gold collar pins and gold "Past Chief" department badges. We have two members who were past chiefs in other FDs and are allowed to wear past chief uniform brass as I've described.

I don't know if this is universal but that's what we do, for what it's worth.
Although we have no written rule on it, tradition is that all past Chief's and Assistant Chief's keep their uniforms for life. This includes their badges. We do not add Past or Ex to the badges at all. We currently have one past Chief and one past Assistant Chief who wear their uniforms at events. We have another past Assistant Chief who is now an Assistant Chief with another department, so he has the option of what uniform to wear, depending on circumstances.

We do not extend this to past Captains & Lieutenants. I have served previously as Captain & Lieutenant and I wear a Firefighter's uniform.
Imagine being at a non fire event with news media coverage... for example, a fundraiser,retirement party, station or apparatus dedication. A reporter goes to the person who he sees wearing the badge and collar pins that signify the Chief and starts asking him questions.

"No, I'm not the Chief.. he's the Chief...."

Confusing, isn't it?

Even if he is a retired chief, he should not be in uniform. He can wear a badge that states "retired" on it for special events. The only time any retiree should wear the Class A's is for a firefighter funeral as a show of respect.... for the deceased firefighter.

A retiree can be buried in Class A's if that is his/her or the family's request.
One might even go with the 5 bugles in silver and silver strip on the uniform. This denotes chief but the silver shows having held that position in the past.
I think it is less about the cost than it is about respect. Since we allow our Past Chief's to keep their badges and we buy the new Chief's new ones, we could just as easily transfer the old ones and by the Past or Ex ones.

There is a parade that I go to every year, one of the people I see almost every year is a Retired Captain from a nearby career department, still in his Class A's but sporting a full beard now. I have no problem with that, he earned it. I know that FDNY actually has a rocker that says "RETIRED" that can be worn above their patch.

I do know what you mean by confusing the public. I was on my way to a funeral, and I had to pick up a presentation bible at another station. I was in my Captain's Class A uniform. The career firefighter on duty at that station was being interviewed about an earthquake that had been felt the night before in our area. As I walked into the station, the camera and reporter moved away from him and onto me for a comment. I simply told them I was from another department, and was picking up something for my station, and they went back to the interview. So the confusion can be dealt with quickly and politely.
Luckily we don't have this issue. Paid department's very seldom downgrade a rank unless there is a disciplinary action. Even if you did get demoted, you would never wear the older - higher ranking insignia's.

Now the process of voting in a volunteer chief can create issues with dress uniforms, insignias etc. Bottom line is the people who create the by-laws need to draft some policies on the subject, otherwise everyone could potentially wearing the highest ranking insignia on their dress uniforms.

So if a guy is voted in as chief for one year or one term, is he afforded the uniform forever out of respect? In my opinion no, I would think whatever your rank is at the time of current service or retirement is the one you would wear.

Our retired "paid" chiefs still wear the last dress uniform and/or the insignia he was assigned on his last day with exception of a retired fire chiefs gold badge.
The same discussion is also posted on firehouse.com with different, but surprisinly common, consensus there.

Like that one and to go with FETC and Gonz here, I would say you wear the rank and insignia of the current rank you do hold. We had a situation where a former assistant chief stepped down and came back to the floor as a firefighter. He wore the insignias of that of a FF on his dress uniform and nothing to show he was a former chief.

Personally, I could see the "past chief" stuff if he was no longer active on the fire department, but since he is still a member I would say he should wear the rank and insignia of FF.
I'd like to thank all of you for your good advice and for sharing the practices you follow in your own departments. I was completely unaware that a "Past Chief" badge existed until someone here mentioned it. I think it's a great idea!

Again, thank you for you help!
Any department needs to develop a written protocol for uniforms. Here, as in so many other departmnets, active officers are distinguished by white shirts, white hats and gold "brass". Members have blue shirts and hats and "silver" brass. When a chief or president leaves office he, like other officers, reverts back to blue shirt and blue hat but, unlike others who step down, they have gold "Past..." shields for their blue hats, blue shirts and blousecoats. Once a blousecoat is trimmed to ones highest office, with cuff bands / whatever, it is not stripped down. Works for us.

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