Most recent development:

So, how do you like an organizing organization like ACORN getting FIRE Act money?
In this case, it is in the Fire Prevention and Safety category, but the New Orleans branch managed to apply for and was successful in their application to the tune of $997,402.00.
Do you really think that an organization that has been charged with voter registration fraud and other, recent criminal acts should receive hard-to-get FIRE Act money?
Did I mention that ACORN owns FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS worth of property in New York City?
Not bad for a “not-for-profit” organization.
Wake up little sleepy heads.

The ACORN Institute New Orleans LA Fire Prevention $997,402.00 09/04/09 (Taken from the FEMA website.)

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There is already another similar thread like this one and I stated my piece there. No, I don't think they should be given money, but it is also my understanding that these events occured LAST year...the gripe is just bark no bite. It would be one thing if ACORN was looking for similar money, in light of recent events, and received it. The past is past...imo.

As for the organization using the money for fire prevention, it could work. I believe a dept should receive those funds, but reality is that when times get tough fire prevention is one area that tends to get reduced funding first, you may have one person in the whole division to conduct fire prevention programs and so forth. Meanwhile, if ACORN receiving such funds, works with the local fire departments in addressing fire prevention initiatives, then that is a financial burden off the fire dept. ACORN can go out and buy countless smoke alarms and batteries and probably has available personnel to go door to door to install them etc, rather than relying on the fire dept's prevention personnel to do the same thing.

I don't agree with any non-fire dept agency receiving any fire type of grants, but sometimes you have to think outside the box to make things work. They received the money...OK, if I was in prevention I would see how our dept could partner to target a fire prevention message. Again, this is money set aside for fire prevention initiatives....looking at the grant requests, very few depts are asking for fire prevention money.
This has been up all day and not ONE reply.
Hell; why don't we let ACORN apply for the SAFER grant so that they can hire more "organizers"?
Why don't fire departments hire ACORN employees in administrative positions?
Or better yet; why don't the volunteer departments hire ACORN to put on their fundraisers and head their recruitment programs?
Does any of this strike a nerve with anyone?
They got a friggin' MILLION DOLLARS in fire grant money. They are neither fire nor EMS.
And THAT is not troubling?
Maybe fire departments need to hire ACORN grant writers.
John I so hope you are kidding.

The past is the past?
So, Al Qaeda hasn't dropped any buildings in NYC for 8 years.
Should it be OK if they get a penny of grant money?

There is a long history of corruption, abuse of public trust, and voter fraud with ACORN.
So it is OK if they got the money last year???

Way to much to say on this subject and want to put my thoughts together before responding further... thanks Art.
Chief, let alone the fact that the Feds awarded it to them. Who's asleep at the wheel here?
Any indication of what ACORN spent it on? Might it have gone to bonuses for "Organizers"? Just wondering.
It's my understanding that ACORN was going to do "home inspections" and then install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in homes.
First, I don't know what qualifies ACORN to perform home fire safety inspections.
Second, I don't know what qualifies ACORN to install smoke or carbon monoxide detectors in homes.
Third, I don't know what qualifies ACORN as anything that remotely resembles a public SAFETY entity and then receive tax money through a fire service grant program.
It is looking more and more like, at this website, we want to piss back and forth on the C vs. V, women in the fire service, allowing juniors to "fight the beast", truck, helmet and reflective stripe colors, word association games, bring us up to date on our personal lives-god, I love sharing my life with people I don't know (like they care) and when stuff comes along that should really matter, we avoid it like a plague.
We will discuss politics if it is clear; you know; Democrat vs. Republican or Obama vs. Bush and maybe even on the local front, but when we get into the stuff that would cause us to think, it's too much work, so we skip it. Too bad, really.
Easy now Chief. This has obviously pushed one of your buttons, but it is just business as usual for the Federal government. I have been involved with Federal agencies for over 30 years (25 years as a Federal contractor, 7 years as an employee of FEMA first and now HHS). With the notable exception of our military services, the Federal government has no concept of operations vs. administration. The fact that there are operationally qualified agencies out there that could use those monies to good effect is irrelevant to those doling it out. Their first priority is accommodating their directives from above as to who needs some of that pot of money, and ACORN (as we know) is favored in the highest of circles. It is just a hard, cold fact that a huge portion of our tax monies are spent to pay back favors to those in control.

IMO, ACORN is a slime infested sack of manure that should have been flushed down a sewer main long ago. They contribute absolutely nothing productive to our society. What they do contribute is hate and discontent. But cleaning that cesspool is not one of my priorities. I have my own windmills to tilt. It is a situation of picking your battles, and there are enough battles out there that we can each have three or four. What I can say is that I have a huge admiration for that young pair of kids that have made it their battle and are single- (pair?) handedly going to drain that stinking swamp. My hat’s off to them, I think they are great!

My take on the whole thing is to note who made these decisions and who approved them. Then, in the next election, vote accordingly. I may be old and cynical, but I don’t really believe that getting hot under the collar about this stuff and calling/writing your representative in Washington does a whole lot of good. Once they are in office (particularly the Senators) they really don’t care what we think. The era of Senators and Representatives representing their constituents is past, I’m afraid. They all represent their party first and their faction of their party second.
Here may be a couple of links worth reading.
Scott Harshbarger would NOT be an independent investigator into ACORN. He is too closely tied to ACORN to be impartial. His investigation would be a sham.
No; it needs to really be an independent review; not a puppet for ACORN or Obama.
It appeared the fireservice in general decided to sleep with Obama and his cronies last year during the campaign and also chose to to just take it when Obama cut benefits to fire fighters killed in the line of duty, so why should any of us feel bad about this. If it smells like a duck, looks like a duck and quackes out of the side of it's head like a duck It is duck. or the President.
I wasn't kidding on the whole thing..maybe about hiring grant writers, but then again they have been successful receiving grants.
The other part about griping is that this occurred last year, so why is the gripe NOW? That is my point.

As for them getting money, as stated I don't agree, but then again they applied for grant money that is not as highly requested like say equipment and apparatus stuff. The other thing is that money is earmarked specifically for what is being applied for, you can't apply for the money, receive it and then spend money on PPE upgrades or SCBAs is specifically meant for fire prevention.

There are organizations, not in the fire service, but do qualify for fire prevention grants because of the community outreach. We have had such groups (not ACORN, thankfully they are not around here) that have used funds to purchase smoke alarms, batteries, etc and contacted the fire dept to assist with a door to door campaign. The fire dept did not have to use funds, the fire dept doesn't have a big prevention and pub ed division, and such community outreaches are not practical for the duty crews to do for any length of time on their own.

That is why I said you have to think outside the box sometimes. Put the bias behind you and look at how you can use such resources to help in a fire prevention message. I don't agree with ACORN receiving money, but damn, maybe the FD grant was turned down or wasn't as much due to lack of resources. They got the money last year, take advantage of that to spread a message. Just because I don't agree with them getting money, doesn't mean you can't take advantage either.

I don't care for ACORN, I don't like the politics, I don't agree with them getting money, but I do think outside the box at times.
First, I don't know what qualifies ACORN to perform home fire safety inspections.
Second, I don't know what qualifies ACORN to install smoke or carbon monoxide detectors in homes.
Third, I don't know what qualifies ACORN as anything that remotely resembles a public SAFETY entity

So is the fire department the ONLY entity which can provide a fire safety message? If so, then why do we see fire departments teaming up with other agencies to help spread a message to target audiences. Do we really see the fire department at all eldelry living complexes? or do they team up with an Aging Resources center to help target fire risks for that group. Are fire departments spreading the message in every school, or do we rely upon teachers and schools to help spread that message?

Point is this stuff is not rocket science. Putting aside the feelings for ACORN, they are established in many communities and do target the lower income and have established a rapport. Who do you think some people will open their doors for, the community organization that has established rapport....or the fire dept in uniforms, badges, and the appearance of authority? Chances are it won't be the FD they open the doors for. Such groups can get into such homes and can install smoke alarms and batteries etc. The fire dept can partner up to spread the fire safety message and can use such established rapport to gain a better rapport without looking authoratative.

What really matters here, pissing and moaning about money or getting the fire safety message out? Having the chance the smoke alarm installed by a community organization saved lives, or talking about another fire related death because of no smoke alarm? Using such groups can be the foot in the door for the future. The fire dept may not have applied for such a grant or have the resources to utilize such money efficiently, using such groups may keep that fire prevention money available to target fire dept priorities like juvenile fire setters or something...not spending money on smake alarms and batteries.

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