OK folks....I just completed a pump-ops class....and got drilled that smooth bores are the way to go....less nozzle reaction for the same or greater amount of water....So, what is everyone using...? and why...? I know we have task force/Fog nozzles but are currently going to smooth bores...thanks...look forward to your responses.....Paul

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Of course if you get right up to a ceiling with "the pressure jacked up" to bore a hole in drywall range it will. Logically, I didn't really think that was the issue. Somehow I knew better than to get involved with this over-argued, or over-discussed topic.

Just like the old pistol grip argument. Holding a nozzle like a handgun instead of keeping the bail at arms reach, and pinning it under your armpit has been discussed at several engine company training seminars I have attended, including FDIC, for example. As a result of practical hands-on training, many a pistol grip has been removed. I am sure there are arguments for them as well.

Indeed the break-apart nozzles seem to be about the best solution to some of the problems in selection.
I said my piece on this discussion, but I missed one critical part. The only reason we have pistol grip nozzles in the fire service is because we now have women in the fire service. Take it for what it's worth.
Yeah we have a few on shift here too. They have no problem, with proper training, on handling a nozzle correctly. We also have some very thin, less than muscular guys who may not be as physically strong as some women, and they too handle the line properly.

That being said...I aint trying to butt heads with you Brother. Maybe just a little difference in perception and experiences is all. No disrespect meant at ya. OK?
Dunno about anyone else, but I don't use the pistol grips to handgun the nozzle. They're useful for several things...including hooking ladder rungs, breaking windows or breaching drywall without breaking the bail if you get caught without a tool, and keeping the nozzle from jostling between hose layers in the preconnect bed. (Yeah, I know, you should never be caught without a tool but sometimes it happens, and having an alternative is a good thing)

You can do the arms-reach bail technique with or without the pistol grip. Ditto for circle or z-patterns in attics, soffits, or anywhere else you want to do an indirect attack, etc.
Are you sure? Maybe the only reason we have women in the fire service is because we have pistol grip nozzles. It could be a chicken-egg thing, yanno?
It's cool.
I'm sure we could debate that for hours.
I like having them, along with training on when to use them and when to do something else. Like any other tool there are appropriate and inappropriate uses for pistol grip nozzles.
On our pumpers we carry one each smooth bore and Vindicator nozzle on the two front crosslays. We keep the TFTs either on the rear precons or in the pump compartment just in case we need it.

I have used them all, and I like the smooth bore the least. The combination nozzles are great for changing from SS to fog in case you need protection. (I know, don't get into situations where you need a water curtain, but hey...)

The vindicator makes an excellent foam nozzle if you don't have one handy. Given a choice I will pick the vindicator every time.
I do agree with those who have written about the use of the combination nozzles. For interior fire attack, you need the protection from a flash fire, along with heat absorbing pattern of a fog stream. If needed, you still have the reach of a straight stream if needed. For interior fire attack, the combinaton nozzle is the one that should be used. If you are pulling a straight stream (smooth bore) nozzle into a burning structure, especially with heavy smoke looking for the seat of the fire, you better have two handlines being pulled through the structure with the second handline being a fog or combination nozzle to protect the interior crews when the room flashes over. Yes, a straight stream (smooth bore) nozzle can be used by experienced nozzleman for protection when a flashover does occur, but it still is not the protection you will get behind a medium or full fog pattern.

I do agree, if you go defensive attack or need longer reach to the seat of the fire, the straight stream (smooth bore) nozzle is the nozzle of choice. Less fraction loss, nozzle pressure and increased gallons are being flowed. I see many photographs showing a exterior/defensive fire attack and all the nozzles (handlines and master streams) are using fog nozzles. Take the time to change the nozzle to straight stream (smooth bore) nozzle, decrease the engine pressure, nozzle pressure and increase the gpm's. Give the engines (pumpers) a break with reduced rpm's at these long duration fires..

The new generation combination nozzles work well. Train and practice with your nozzles, understand how to change the patterns and changing from fog (broken) to straight stream. Know how all the nozzles work within your Fire Department before the fire occurs. Be Safe and Everyone Goes Home.
Lew Austin, retire Fire Chief
Smooth bore nozzles do not allow the water to be turned into steam as easily as fog/combo nozzles. When you are in an enviroment that is rapidly deteriorating, you need to change that enviroment. This is why when you train in a rollover container you "pencil" the ceiling and walls. You are using a straight stream but it is still a broken stream....allows the water particles to disperse more rapidly and create steam which will disrupt the thermobalance. You can't do that with a smooth bore nozzle affectively. The water particles are to large when they leave the nozzle.
We use the Akron's. They are great nozzles. The particular nozzles we carry have flow rate dials on them. We keep ours set at 95 gpm and are able to adjust once we see what we are dealing with, if the need be.

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