Jeff Cole
  • Wildwood, NJ
  • United States
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Jeff Cole's Friends

  • Chris Collier
  • Thomas Schoeman
  • Branden Hill
  • Loyd Dittfurth
  • kevin tirotta
  • Dave LeBlanc
  • John Bierling
  • adel
  • Brad
  • Karen Redden
  • Frank Svitak
  • Christopher J. Naum, SFPE
  • Alexander Coulter
  • Steven Thompson
  • Don Wilson

Jeff Cole's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Combination
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North Wildwood Fire Department (Municipal Division), N.J.
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Amsterdam NY FD -"Unofficial member/"mascot"
Wildwood City FD - Seasonal and Part-Time employee- 1982-1991
FAA Technical Center/Atlantic City Int'l Airport FD - 1985 - 1990
Wildwood City Beach Patrol EMS - 1990-1995
Private EMS transport Company EMS - 1989-1991
My Training:
Various certs, classes, course, and training including specialized training through the last 30 years. I don't want to bore everyone.
Includes, but limited to Training Officer of my Department, Instructor with County Fire School, and private Instructional groups including RIT/FAST instruction. Employed by large, private EMS instructional company with the "Rescue and Extrication" division. Currently heading the County "Junior Firefighter Program" at the County Fire School.
About Me:
Life long studies and involvement with the fire service. Officially started in 1980 as a volunteer, and hired one year later as a "part-time" paid firefighter. Began earning my living from the Fire and EMS services ever since. Worked both part-time, seasonal, and full-time at the other agencies listed above, but always remained in the NWFD from the start. I was appointed as a provisional Lieutenant in 1994, with final appointment in 1995 upon completion of the NJ State DOP exam. Tested and scored/ranked "number 1" for the position of Deputy Fire Chief by the NJ DOP exam in 2002. Politics prevailed and I "died" on the list. Will be promoted to Captain upon new contract signing hopefully this month or next...kind of a "demotion promotion". Fill-in the spaces between 1980 and now, and you can get an idea that I have accomplished some things, and been through a few as well. Got recognition from "FH" Magazine for a "grab" back in 1988. Various fires and rescues along the way, just like everyone else of course. Proud member of IACOJ.

Promoted to Deputy Fire Chief May 4th, 2010. Will become department head June st. Soon to be promoted to Fire Chief!
Also...mid-life crises time! Drmmer for newly formed local rock band consisiting of police officers and firefighter called 'Shoots N' Ladders' check out the face book!
Promoted to Chief of Department September 2010
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I grew up living next door to a fire station up state NY, the same station my GrandFather worked in for about 40 years. Most of my young life from as far back as I can remember up until I moved at age 18 was spent in and around the fire station and the other stations in my hometown, Amsterdam, NY. The Firefighters there were of such a positive influence in my life that I attribute not only my happiness in this business but the satisfaction I have in life from being able to know what "living the dream" really means. My life's values and the daily life my family and I live is a direct reflection of the patience and guidence they showed me throughout my so-called "formative years". Growing up in the 60's and 70's it would have been VERY easy to take a wrong turn. I wish to publicly thank them in this forum.
I was raised with the wisdom that a strong community begins with a population that cares about one another, and one that values both Public Safety and Education as important above all else. Though my family lives a comfortable life, it is understood that a Firefighter's family will never be wealthy financially. But because of the values, morals, and ideas instilled in me by my "mentors" of my childhood I consider myself rich beyond my wildest dreams. I am on the "downside" of my career now and it has been more than I could have ever imagined but each day my enthusiasm and love of this job grows stronger because of those who continue to bring respect and honor to our profession. Simply put, there was never another choice in my mind BUT the emergency services. Respect to you all, and please stay safe, wear your seat belts ALL the time!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
My role as a positive member of the community and society.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of funding by our Federal Government. Compared to Law Enforcement we get squat. Lack of any REAL standards and mandates that have REAL authority. We need to hold local, state, and federal government accountable for lack of funding for staffing and training as well as equipment. The day of Volly Companies having to beg for money should be over. FUND us the way law enforcement is funded! Fire apparatus should NOT be rolling without a safe level of staffing. We are partially to blame because of fragmented industry special-interest groups. We should unite as one and use our power and strength in numbers. We have enough members and family and friends who VOTE that we COULD make a difference if only we all get on the same page. I am an advocate for standardized training and profeciency requirements, and physical fitness and mandated performance ability requirements. Do we REALLY want to know why we are still getting killed and injured so often? WE accept things as they are. WE should work towards changing them together. Be part of the solution not the problem.
WE ARE NOT DISPOSABLE, DISPENSIBLE HUMANS! We should bombared the local, state, and FEDERAL politicians with DEMANDS to recognize that THEY are responsible to the citizens to do their job, which is to provide for public safety FIRST! And that doesn't just mean more cops on the beat! (I am NOT anti-Police, My Son is gonna be a Cop) Look at how much is spent on the war (not going there) and to unnecessary research and rediculous projects, yet many engines are rolling with 2 and trucks...if they are lucky, with many times ONE! firefighter on-board. Review the NIOSH reports of LODD's and although there may be alot of blame and responsibility placed on the failure of the local government to provide SAFE staffing, there is no REAL accountability. The only thing in the end are RECOMMENDATIONS! Stuff you and I already know, stuff we have made aware to our local political leaders, and stuff that they just don't seem to address. "Fire departments should ensure proper staffing levels to prevent..." NO-SORRY! The city, township, county, State of ...(fill in the blank) IS responsible for failing to provide the funding and resources to staff the apparatus to a safe level after being advised of such short-staffing...which was a primary cause of (blank) LODD and which will be fined for, and fined for every additional day and night after which safe staffing levels are not meant. And to include a mandatory JAIL sentence for the Mayor and Council who, while being aware of this unsafe staffing, allowed it to continue which caused the death of (blank). We have accepted to much failure at the government level for too long and it is killing us! asked, I spoke!

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At 10:41pm on June 12, 2011, AJ Zuccarelli said…
Hey Boss, hope yall have an uneventful summer. I'll be up in July, hope to make it down to FDNW and see everyone.
At 2:49pm on February 23, 2011, Little One said…
Hello Mr. Cole, Hope you are doing well. Just wanted to say Hi.
At 10:26pm on January 16, 2010, ROOKIELZ said…
Hey Stranger! :)
At 8:01pm on September 2, 2009, Loyd Dittfurth said…
oh ya we also have a satillite station out in the county with 2 grass rigs in it
At 8:00pm on September 2, 2009, Loyd Dittfurth said…
lol man sorry if i got you worked up but you are very pationate and im glad as heck to see somone else out there with the same attitude but i will say small town usa is strugling as bad or worse my home town vfd recieves and i didnt leave out a 0 but they get 300 dollars per month and the building was donated and the water and gas and electric is paid but we pay the fuel we have 2 pumpers an 67 model ford and a 82 model ford 5 6x6 grass rigs 1 rescue 1 ic vehicle 1 tanker and 1 track (we have 2 but the parts are so hard to get we scrapped one) when i moved in may we had 28 fires so far this year oh ya we also have 2 bls ambulances but they are under the hospital district as i said we recieve 300 per month from the county and that was it the rest was donation to keep the department running
At 9:24pm on August 11, 2009, Paul Everson said…
Hi Jeff, I had to check where you are from because one of your replies you mentioned a city councilman being an expert. I thought maybe you were from my city. We have that same council member here. He is basically running our department instead of our chief. Take care, Paul
At 10:08pm on May 1, 2009, Christopher J. Naum, SFPE said…
Thanks for the kind comments...LMK if I can support any of your future needs....stay safe...
At 1:33pm on March 19, 2009, Little One said…
Hello Mr. Cole,
If it is possible could you please call the business of little one. I was just told that the state is coming up with new/more regulations on commercial properties... something to do with a lock box placed on the outside of a commercial building. Have you heard of such a regulation?
Thanks, J
At 4:56pm on March 12, 2009, Little One said…
What's Up?

Little One
At 11:07am on February 5, 2009, Tom Murgo said…
Cap did you piss in someones cheerio's??? youve been MIA


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