Just when you thought you'd seen it all....

A MAN is lucky to still have a penis after he inserted it in a metal park bench and became stuck, doctors say.

At least a dozen police and emergency services workers were called to the park in Hong Kong after 41-year-old Le Xing’s penis became trapped in a hole, apparently after he became aroused.

According to reports from Hong Kong, the “lonely and disturbed” Mr Xing told police he thought it would be fun to have sex with the bench, UK’s The Telegraph reported.

Full artcile and video at-

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Brings to mind a call from MANY years ago. This happened in Gwinnett Co., Georgia. A somewhat rural area to the north of Atlanta. So here it is:

Female S/O on her nightly patrol comes up on a pickup parked beside a large field. The lights are on, the doors are standing open and the engine is running. Officer gets out to investigate and notices a small "disturbance" going on out in the field. Officer approaches figure in field and finally figures out that it is a middle aged male having some "alone time" with a large pumpkin. Officer spotlights him with the beam of her mag-light and asks, "WTF are you doing?". The guy looks up at the officer, then looks at the pumpkin, then looks back up at the officer and says..."Damn! Is it midnight already???"

I thought I was gonna stroke out from laughing

Now that's funny!!!!
Another one of those"what was he thinking, or not"
Talk about a good situation gone bad hehehaha lmao
boy... what a pisser... sounds like he was sportin' a woody... : )
Sir, Dont move or Deez Nuts are gone!! OK!! ASSHOLE!!!!! Hope there were no snags cutting the bench!! OUCH!!
i seen a sticker somewhere...(myspace or facebook)...that said something like this "Dont ever do something you wouldnt want too explain to the Paramedics"....i guess this guy never heard that...
Only one person has mentioned consensual. Where is your concern for the innocent party in this affair? Was the bench of legal age? All the benches in my area have recently been replaced, they are less than a year old!!! To go the other way, just how old might this bench have been? No, I'll leave that one alone.

I can just imagine it. For us this call would come over on the pager simply as a 'RESCUE'. We get into the truck and ask for further information as we leave the Station. Dispatcher calmly provides all known details. Calmly? The whole dispatch area would have been rocking with laughter, as would we in the truck. As would any listening media. As would anyone like me with a scanner.
Now there's a guy that I just have to party with......LOL...What did you say his name is.....? Woodcock...? Bet he is a riot during the winter time...I can hear it now....."I dare you to put your winky against the frozen flagpole.." LOL
WOW!!! I think I might just leave this one alone... I can hear it now though

"Station 3, Hebron Fire, respond to the area of Alyea Park for a man with his penis stuck in a bench."

Not sure how we would handle that one
Why the issue with the title?

It's the title of the original article that appeared on a national website and nespaper.

And heaven forbid if we as first responders actually called it by it's correct name/title.
Dottie- it's a penis for crying out loud!

It's the correct name. Why can't first responders call it that and not be embarrassed, ashamed or offended?

BTW, I assuem it was WebChief who changed the title, as I didn't....

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