At our Dept its,

Red- Capt or LT
Orange- Saftey Officer
Yellow-Working firefighters
Blue- EMS only

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At our department:
White 1010 : Chief
Red 1010 : Captian
Yellow 1010 : LT
Black 1010: Firefighter
Black 1010 w/ Star of Life: Firefighter/EMT
Black Modern Style( Turtle Shell ) w/Green Stipe: Probie
Louisville Fire Department

White = Chief
Black = Truck Co.
Red = Engine Co.
That's not right DT!!! Mine is yellow!! For some reason our dept. has to be different. If we go on mutual aid, they could confuse me and the 2nd Cap as their firefighters.
white Chief,Batallion chief or chaplin
red captain/luitentent
yellow fire fighter
blue ems
purple probie
White-- Batt Chief or above
Red-- Captain
Yellow with red letters/numbers-- LT or Engineer
Yellow with black numbers/letters-- Firefighter
Kind of yellow, covered in soot and dirt-- Experienced Firefighters
Orange-- Special Operations Team Leaders

I wanna know where you can get a purple helmet??? I think my girlfriend would LOVE that!!
Jason, let me know too. Must be someone who makes them................
White- Chief .Ass Chief
Black-Working Firefighters
Yellow-Untrained or New members
Whit with red letters/numbers - LT. thru Chief
Black with yellow letters/numbers - Equipment Operators
Black with white letters/numbers - Firefighters

Who ever carries a medical certification wears a certification sticker on the back on the helmet.

We used to have media that was cleared to be within the fire tape. They wore green hats.
Even worse, our Probie helmets used to be yellow! Now they're black with yellow shields.
I've got a purple helmet joke, but it's entirely inappropriate for this forum! LOL
I don't want to go back to the probie days!!!! Although getting thrown in the dump tank after a big summer time fire did feel pretty good :-)
Wow I screwed that up.
White Chief, Assit. Chief
Yellow 1010 Lt.
Red Capt
Red with blue stickers, EMT
Black Sgt,
Black with pull down sheild Firefighters
Smaller Yellow Probie

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