You have all scene the video of the firefighter that was arrested .It is real and happens more than you think . Just think , You get a call for a mva . You respond only to be told by the police that you are not needed. Fluids are leaking onto the ground . Still have a potential for fire also. What about the possibility of injuries as you have not checked. How do you act? Can you be sued if something goes wrong and you left ? Does this sound familier ? Who is in charge of the scene ? What have you done to help with your relationship with the police ? Chime in and let us know .

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Once we roll we will keep going, it's up to us to state whether we're needed or not, whether there's a fire risk or not.

Perhaps the main thing is that we all have our role at an MVA, we must all work together. For us, the Police are in overall control. If there is fire then we (Fire Brigade) are in control until the fire is out. If there's a casualty then the Paramedics are in control until they have transported the casualty. If there's a cut-out needed then either us or another rescue organisation is in control, working with the Paramedics until the patient has been removed. Traffic control is always the responsibility of the Police. I've helped Police with traffic, Paramedics with casualties and Rescue with casualty removel - whichever one I work with tells me what to do.

For those people who have had trouble working with other organisations? I don't believe that it should happen - but it all depends on how your systems are set up I suppose.
Here in our little town of 4000 we have a good relationship with our local PD. We have one LEO that gets alittle gungho at times but is usually just excited. On all scenes they pretty much let us (Fire/Police) take care of all the scenes with NO questions or problems and if there is any problems they wont put up with any against the Fire Dept. you better just do as we say. The reputation with our Fire Fighters is also great as they just work with them to get things wrapped up so the investigation can get going and get it done. They have NO doubt about how the FF or F/P will handle a scene so its a good union.
here in the town im in we have a very good understanding with the police they do what they were trained to do and we do what we are trained to do i have never seen it like this before they do not get in our way and we try not to get in theres at a fire scene we have fire police and they control the traffic on the outskirts of the scene and if someone dont stop or liston to them there is also a police officer there if its a mva i have seen us the ems and the police toned out at the same time and most of the time the police gets there before us and gives us a heads up on what we are needed for once we get there they will control traffic around the scene and we will do our job once we are done we will control trafic for them to do theres i like to think there is a good working relationship between both of our depts.
I live in a small town, and I have only seen the police at
one of the fire sences, and that was because of a death
at the sence. For the most, we never see the police at a
fire sence.
i have seen the video of a ff being arrested in my area state police don't even wanna be there you can call and ask for them and you won't see them for 30 mins at least. on MVA's they get the drivers info and sit in there car till we either have it cleaned up or the road is opened. on fire's we never see them unless there is a fight or a death.
So far, all seems good or nuetral - just the way things should be n my book! I can accept that at odd times there might be some slightly less than perfect relations between everybody, but 'slightly' is the key.
First of all the place to get to know your Police isnt at a scene. It takes time invested in training as well as earning the respect by professionalism and integrity. The Police are in charge of traffic and over all scene management. however, we all have a part to play in that goal. You establish your means for being there by working with them to meet the goal. Obviously they do not take care of patient care nor will they handle fluids leaking or fire danger. They dont cancel us nor do I them. We have had our moments at times but usually we deal with things very well on scenes. If there are issues we will mudder through it and sit down latter an come to resolution of the differences. This takes time away from the incident and its time well spent.
We get along for the most part. Everyone has there moments. We was on a MVA the other day and it was a border call. Two cars in my area and one car in the city. The city police said they would handle the traffic and let us return. That worked for me if they didnt take it we would have to wait on the State Police and that could take hours.
In my area Police, Fire, and Ems work exceptionaly well together. We are a small town compared to the other city in the county. Each of us has a job to do, but we all support each other.Fire dept usually will take IC for Mva's but it depends on the incident, We also practice and utilize unified commands. We very rarely get into a pissing contest on who in charge. I guess being a smaller town has its advantages. We all get along rather well,and have good friends in all the depts. We know what needs to be done and we support each other. Get to know each other is the only advice I could give. After all we are all in it togther.
In both towns I work in, we get along great. PD is in charge of traffic, and we have the scene itself. MVA, Fires, EMS etc. I have occasionally had to remind the officer's not to park right in the way. One younger officer asked if he needed to move his car right then, I told him if he didn't, I would.....while sitting behind the wheel of the engine,.....smiling of course.....Some of our neighbors don't have quite the good relationship.....a friend told me of an officer that tried to pull his ambulance over while transporting a pt to the hospital! The PD's Duty Sgt and the Battalion Chief had a rather animated conversation. Suffice it to say I don't think the police officer ever tried that again.
It looks like everyone for the most part works together well . There will always be some hot shot that has to throw their weight around.Thats just how it is.
We need to work together! we all have our jobs Know one can do it all we our a public safety team. together we make it work.

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