Our new engine is a sterling cab, wieghs well over 26000 pounds I'm not sure of the excact wieght and has air brakes. At my day job I have to have CDLs to drive an f-750 that wieghs 28000 pounds and has air brakes. Tn law states any vehicle with air brakes or excedes the wieght limit of 26000 pounds you have to have a class b cdl to drive it. But there is an excemption for emergency vehicles that just doesnt make sense to me. does anyone elses dept. require cdls or anyone think they should. I think you should have to have cdls and have evoc tought by a state instructor before you can drive. Just my opinion.
10-19-08 I contacted The Tennessee DMV and they told me that a non cdl driver could drive an engine to an emergency under the excemtion law but would be breaking the law if they drove back to the station to get fuel or was just out driving. The dmv also if a non cdl driver was involved in an accident driving a large truck they would be driving a commercial vehicle without a license and could lose their license or have to do jail time. They also told me all that was needed was a class be cdl in Tn thats only 2 written test and a short on road driving test.

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IT's called decication from our dept and a cheap town that does not want to give money.... Is there a problem with dedication... The dept has been there for 50 years with the same family getting night after night running calls we just get older and the older die... Out of our county our dept sends the most to training classes, but money wise a poor goup of hard working guys so yea right now $45 is alot of money.... Not all depts is as lucky as you are.. So please don't feel sorry for us.. we work just as hard as you do at a fire..Yep we even save a life or 2 at times......
Well you know us hicks in the north country in NY have to come out of the hills and then we would have to get our buggies hooked up to our horses.. And then it all that reading we have to do....To just get it... Sorry bud but I have 20 classes under me ,been to the national fire academy for classes... So take a step back hick...
What other member .. Must we make everything personnel.......Calling me by my first name a few times...... Your paid I didn't know that now it makes sence....So much better than us VOLLIES........ Never in any statement did I make mention training was not needed ,but thats alright your use to being bottle fed....
no not a bad attitude,but not taking crap from a bunch of guys trying to steam roll me.... I tried that once yelling ,but nope fire kept going and was there for 8 hours... bummer that I had the power.. I call you next time to see if you can try.
Was I having a go at you Anne? No, not this time. Although my comment is of course open to anyone, it was in answer to Trainer, the member who first answered my question.

If you think i have a problem with dedication, think again - dedication is something I respect. By the way, I'm a vol in an all vol Brigade, one that is proud to work very well with nearby career firefighters.

All FD's not being as lucky as mine? I wouldn't expect them to be. Just as I expect others to be luckier than mine. What I was doing was saying how we operate. I also stated that I see us as being 'fortunate' - you can read that as 'lucky' if you like.

Hmm, I notice a comment that I missed before, was it an addition? Did I say I felt sorry for you (no, but in a way I do). Did I say that you don't work as hard as us? That you were incapable of saving lives? No to both. Please get off of your high horse, it certainly isn't doing you any favors.
Ralph? Yes.
Myself and two other fire fighters are going to get our CDL'S this summer and are paying for it out of our own pockets. With our annual budget from our township being under a thousand dollars a year we have to raise the money to pay for every thing we do.

With the way laws are changing we are trying to get ahead and get people CDL certified to drive to better the department. We might not be well funded but we bust are a$$es to buy what we need and maintain what we have and if we cannot raise the money the fire fighters will pitch in what they can to get it done.

On a side note I do not understand why evry thing boils down to paid vs. volley or why we have personnal attacks when people disagree with other peoples posts. To me when these start that also show how unprofessional people are.
Well , hate to bust your day ,but I don't ride High Horses just don't take crap..... Your pushing a idea I don't agree so you return with dedication ,lack of training , and so on as your posts read.. I tried to be the better person as stated in my previous post.. You snub it.... So No high Horse just not letting you step on me...
OK, wont use your name. No I am not a paid firefighter, I am a volunteer that cannot stand for people to use volunteer status as an excuse to be under trained or ill equipped. Nor did I say you said training was not needed but here is a quote from your home page TOO MUCH TRAINING. START NO MORE EMT BASIC AND EMT 1 AND SO ONE.. EMT 1 GETS TO SCENE ABLE TO START IVS AND APPLY MONITOR SO EMT 2 GETS ON SCENE THINGS A DONE.. EVERY THREE YEARS TO RENEW TOO MUCH WITH THE WAY THINGS ARE IN THE WORLD.. AFTER 5 YEAR OF BEING A EMT RENEW EVERY 5 10 YEARS NO MORE . QUICK REFRESHERS THAT'S IT... TOOO MUCH TRAINING.. . I am sorry you disagree on this and hope that everything works out for you.
You simply don't understand do you Anne? I'm not sure that you've understood anything I've said.

You are excessively defensive about comments made, you are aggressive. Please don't bother reading any of my posts, it's doubtful that you'll understand and I certainly won't be interested in any response you make.
Tony what’s the Heavy Articulated endorsement?

I got a couple of observations; first off this is cyber space and anyone can be who ever or what ever they want, and unless I know them personally I take what the say with a grain of salt, but for the most part you can tell who walks the walk and talks the talk.
Now for the paid vs the vols thing, it’s been my observance that vols usually take the first shot, more times than not we are our own worst enemy.
Heavy Artic Endorsement? Probably the closest we have to your CDL - it allows me to drive everything except the monsters, the B-doubles B-triples and Road Trains that we have.

Your second part? Yes.

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