Obama Proposes Significant AFG and PSOB Funding Cuts, Increase in SAFER

Associated Press Writer

» Also Inside this Report: Administration Proposes Significant Cuts to FIRE Grant Program, SAFER Program Increases

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration wants to cut almost in half a benefits program for the families of slain police and safety officers.

Administration Releases Detailed Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Proposal; Proposes Cutting Funds to FIRE Grant Program, Increasing SAFER

Source: Congressional Fire Services Institute

On Thursday, May 7th, the White House released the appendix for the Administration's Fiscal Year 2010 budget proposal, detailing requested funding levels for programs and offices in the federal budget. The Administration initially released a blueprint of the $3.6 trillion budget in February, giving a snapshot of the President's spending plan.

The Administration has proposed funding the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) program at double the level it was funded in FY2009, increasing funding to $420 million for this crucial program. The United States Fire Administration (USFA) also receives a modest increase of approximately $600,000. The State Homeland Security Grant Program receives the same level of funding as FY2009 ($950 million) and the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) receives a $50 million increase.

Unfortunately the Administration proposes funding the popular FIRE grant program at only $170 million - a cut of nearly 70% from Fiscal Year 2009. The program, which received $3.2 billion in requests in Fiscal Year 2008, provides funding for critical equipment, training, and apparatus directly to local fire departments. The program also provides grants for fire prevention and safety programs and firefighter health and safety research.

While the Administration's budget proposal is meant to serve as a guideline for federal spending, Congress will ultimately determine funding levels for these programs. The House and Senate Appropriations Committees have begun work on crafting Fiscal Year 2010 spending bills. CFSI has reached out to members of Congress regarding the budget proposal and will continue to provide updates as the appropriations process moves forward.

The Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Proposal and Appendix can be obtained from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

The president's proposed budget calls for cutting the Public Safety Officers' Death Benefits Program from $110 million to $60 million.

The Justice Department insisted no one would lose benefits.

President Barack Obama speaks about the fiscal 2010 federal budget, Thursday, May 7, 2009, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building across from the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
"Any family member who is eligible for benefits under this program will receive them," said Justice Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz.
Budget documents say the reduction is being made because "claims are anticipated to decrease," apparently because the number of officers killed in the line of duty has been decreasing.

The proposal is being made just days before Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to attend ceremonies in Washington honoring slain officers.

"It makes us kind of nervous. While we aren't panicking, it certainly has increased our concern, coming a week before National Police Week," said Suzie Sawyer, executive director of Concerns of Police Survivors, a group taking part in next week's events.

Sawyer said as long as the number of police and safety officers killed doesn't increase too much, the amount of money offered in the budget could be enough. And she noted that in the past, the government has found more money for the program when it needed more, such as following the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.

The program pays benefits of more than $300,000 to the survivors of a safety officer killed in the line of duty.

There were 133 police officers killed in the line of duty last year, the lowest amount since 1960, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

The group said killings of police officers are up 21 percent so far in 2009, compared to the same period the year before.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Mushroom-hunting Chief?

To me it is mushroom feeding!

We are kept in the dark and fed nothing but Bull S---
Can I help it if I work where they grow??

Actually the fire act was increased by 5mil, last year or was it this year, can’t remember, but I am glad you see the problem. I can only wonder if the increase is a ploy by this administration to satisfy the upper management of the union and/or city administrators.

Did I say that out loud, oops.
hey mike, don't you think the local fundraiser idea has been kicked around. i will tell you i am the fire chief for a dept that serves an area that is aprox. 96 square miles, this entire area is below the poverty level. most residents are retired, elderly, and disabled. we have a few working families but less than before thanks to job loses. so i guess to cut to the chase, what the hell are you thinking saying we need to fund locally and we don't need federal help. have you bumped your head on your airpack or what. my dept operates on less than 5000.00 per year, this come from local fundraisers and rural fire dues. there is no more water in the well. luckily we have recieved 3 grants from the afg and we have been able to raise the matching funds. i personally gave the funds to match on the last grant
we recieved and did not hesitate. i am lucky in the fact that i have 2 full-time jobs and can afford to help out, after all this will save lifes and make the job safer.

so my friend in the fire service, please don't act like we solely rely on uncle sugar. we do have fundraisers, bake sales, garage sales, and anything else we can do to raise money. if your dept doesn't that is to bad but don't try to cut funds from my dept. my members and thier families appreciate these funds
Oh yeah Biden...

So all my Union Brothers and sisters who voted for these frakkin lying idiots, good on ya!

Now maybe you see why the rest of us were just a little wary.
No but your taxes are about to go thru the roof to pay for the frequent flyer's who bog down our responses with band-aid calls. We cant fund emergency services, but we can sure as heck fund universal health care and billions to fannie mae and freddi mac, and their execs who started this financial crisis.

And a couple trillion is what we had before the current fiscally irresponsible crowd got into office.
Bush didnt help either, but his defecits were directly tied to the war...that was until Fannie and Freddie drove the banks into the ground...then he left us with the TARP BS.

Thank God its only 18 months till we get to elect a new congress...
And just think, during the first week of April Biden attended the 21st annual CFSI dinner. I believe his much touted slogan was "You can count on us".
I'll interject this also.

When it comes to the PSOB, at least on the fire side, there is money there because for the last couple of years, most claims have been denied. I know of a couple of cases where the Justice Department (who oversees the program) has ignored a medical examiners findings and ruled the death didn't qualify. If it is the same on the law enforcement side, then there will be plenty of money to fund what few they pay out.
Remember, the IAFF heavily supported the Obama/Biden campaign and I'm not so sure that they are willing to turn their back on us that quickly.

The IAFF is getting their payoff for supporting Obama........Safer Grants = more career positions = more dues paying IAFF members.
You know what the real problem is.....if or when they come up for re-election people would of forgotten all that has happened about this.
Brothers and Sisters

I agree we just need to contact our representatives. The Bush Administration tried to cut the funding also. Congress will make the ultimate decision. I am glad to see SAFER being raised but it seems that the police always get what they want. Firefighters have to stand together. Be safe and get in touch with you reps and firefighter organizations.
We are a firefighter nation. If every member will contact their senators and representatives, this will be a great start. I have contacted two of my state's senators, I will post their replies for everyone to see. Be safe.
I’ve never checked into applying for a safer grant, does not apply to use, however is the money allowed to be used to train new people also?

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