Is it unfair to male firefighters for fire departments to give female firefighters special sleeping and bathroom arrangements?

Now that more and more women are entering the fire service, officers are scratching their heads on how to handle new situations that are arising around the firehouse! One fire department decided to give the female firefighters their own room with a locking door and their own bathroom and shower. Another fire department felt that separating male and female firefighters was segregation, so they all sleep in the same room with a curtain for privacy and take turns using the shower. Some male firefighters feel that giving females private rooms and bathrooms is being bias and giving special treatment. I could care less either way, but for those guys use to walking around in their boxers and God forbid naked(we all have that one crazy nudist in our dept), it might pose a problem! Should male and female firefighters be separated in the firehouse?

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Just reading the few padges I have to agree with most. Times are changen and there is in most cases the need for privacy. As said " While you can't always remove bad behavior, you can easily remove the opportunity." This is a true statment, I am a male and I know most of us are easily provoked to jelousy, and as well as thinking with our lower extremitys. Also a lot of the females are just as prone to become jelous as well, when it comes to sleeping in the same room or useing the same showers. I have to agree most with Chele, D.T., and Jake Fireman, we live in a day of mistrust, and sue happy people. I feel that we need to work harder at, strengthening, the terms dignity, cuth, professionalism, common sense, and FAMILY becouse that is what we are if you think about it. We all need to work together and think with our heads, when it comes to this type of topic. As to us males that can't keep there hands, thoughts, or mouth in there heads. Then guess we need to work harder, at keeping our male tendencys at check. I feel that it would be wise, if have females in a work place in wich there is also liveing quarters, to have some sort of way to keep the showering, bath, and sleeping areas as private as can. In the long run the more you try to keep the peace the beter off you will be, even if it dose seem like it is impossible.
State laws say that there must be a restroom for either sex in a public building. This would go the same for a shower situation. As for the bunkrooms, I think that it wouldn't kill anyone to have it seperated but not necessarily with a locked door. (seems a little overkill) A door that shuts would be just fine. It is rather disturbing to see the gender bias throughout this forum thread and the rash of other forum threads that have occured on FFN since it began. Women are in the fire service and they are here to stay. They don't challange your manhood being present in the firehouse and on the fire scene. They (like us) are dedicated individuals who are there to be a protector of your fire dictrict and/or collect a paycheck for the paid firefighters. With such small narrow minded individuals making the same tired comments about women not belonging and not deserving the seperation, how will the culture ever change? My theory about women having seperate sleeping quarters is if the department is paid, I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem with the $1000 in materials to build a nice room.
People, this is 2009 not 1939. It's time to look beyond the "gender issue" and start paying more attention to better health (to reduce that LODD) and wearing seatbelts.
honestly i think that the bunkroom is whatever but the shower room causes n issue for both sexes cause not everyone will admit it but guy n girl some people would be uncomfortable then who gets to shower first the guys or the girls. Although some of my guy friends have said on their departments when they got a female in the fire house sharing a bunkroom was un comfortable cause they had to wear shorts in stead of boxers. Idk I guess on a case by case basis it would have to depend on the department and gettin the firefighters aside n see how they feel as long as u could keep them honest
If we ever get a woman at our place, things will have to change drastically. Station one is set up with both locker rooms. Station Two has lockers that are in a hallway that end up next to the tv. In the morning, guys are walking around changing all over the place. Station Two is one big room for the bunks. Station One has individual areas, no doors. But, there tends to be a lot of moving around in just boxers and guys getting flipped out of bed, etc. I am all for equality, but there has to be some limits. Get over it, we are all adults.
No kidding, there are more important things to worry about.
me and my wife are both firefighters. she works in a newly built station with seperate shower and dressing room. this is the new standard, and it should be. when a female travels over to my station to work. i always have to make sure she's not around if im changing. but we all sleep in the same bunk room. this prevents problems in the firehouse. people need to realize that with an increase in female firefighters, things need to change, but it's for the good. so as a firefighter and a firefighter's husband i agree in seperating some of the aminities.
Hey, Mike:
Imagine that is your wife or daughter.
What's the question again?
If it's a public building, there are federal laws that require separation.
Or would you rather your female relative is co-mingling with some crazy male nudist running through the locker room as someone else put it?
Why is this an issue in the 21st century?
Male and female are on fire departments.
They should have separate sleeping and bathroom arrangements.
Just because...
as As I stated earlier, I don'tcare if they separate us or keep us together! I don't care because I give the respect that's due! I have always looked at situations as if it was my mother, sister, and or daughter! Im thinking as if it were my daughter because she wants to follow in my boots and become a firefighter! I come from a christian family and I was raised to respect everyone, especially women! So I could bunk with women with no problem! I know we are human but come on guys, we are firefighters! We should pride ourselves on honor and respect! It takes a special person, a loving person, to be selfless and put thier life on the line for others! A person like that should also have respect! I love the show, but that Resue Me crap is for TV, it doesn't belong in the firehouse! I know the military seperate men and women, but they have a good concept during boot camp! There is no privacy and they say it brings them closer together! My Lt's second department gives them separate rooms and he said you dont see the other guys unless you get a call! He said you're lucky to hear two words from anybody the whole shift! So some feel separation is bad for team spirit! Either way, I don't care as long as I have a bed and bathroom! Now one of my partners at the ambulance service made a valid observation! She has been a medic for 8 years and said the men and women have always slept in the same room here and we don't have separate bathrooms and showers! We have 2 showers and 5 bathrooms, pick one! We have never had a problem! I can see both sides but I don't care what the department decides as long as the females are comfortable!
If agreeing with "Oldman" makes me old fashion, count me in. I'm so glad he posted that last comment (see prev page). The problem builders should sell all the politically correctness and buy up all the respect and civility they can get their hands on. Then solutions will come more easily. PS I bet you a lunch I'm older. By the way, Snooring is a trans gender activity. Keep The Faith.
I'm sure he took care of Kimmie and Robyn and made sure they were comfortable!
Ahaha. this is hilarious. Seriously, are women going to start flooding into the fire service and try to change the way things have been for..ever? Like, i mean, i guess i understand, feeling uncomfortable, with being mixed in with the males, in terms of showering together.. But why would you want a different bathroom as long as you're not in there at the same time? Thats just petty.
Please. PLEASE. don't. tell me theres going to be THIS degree of immaturity in the fire service that men and women cant co exist.
There are some things i agree with, I mean,
if i was in the showers and theres a fully naked woman beside me, i'm going to look, i'm sorry, i'm a guy, you're not gonna stop me from looking out of the corner of my eye.
But shes gonna look back too, its just the human curiosity. Now..
Being a Junior.. if she was 30 years older than me, i would be keeping my eyes the other way out of sheer respect.
Which is what should be done. But guys are sick, and perverted (Yes, i admitted it).

Should there even be this sort of lack of trust in the firehouse.
And if there is, would it carry to the fire ground?..
I guess my answer to this is.
Get over it and deal with it.. I know some people have different comfort levels..
but we're all brothers and sisters.


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