In the Department I belong to give two way radios to all the line offers, and any firefighter that would like to have a two way radio only needs to get pemision from the Chief, and he, or she can purchase their own, and the department will program it for you. When we use the radio, our call sign is our ID number. I must say it works well within our Department. How do other departments feel about the uses of radio's?

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in todays economy, radios are cheap and do the same thing. we issue radios and these are page capable so you do not have to hear the other calls going out unless you want to. eliminates the need for radio and pagers
In my department we issue all the officers radios and members that live far out and respond direct to the scene most of the time (I know people won't agree with that but its another topic). The members can purchase radios for themselves and we will program them. They cannot get a radio until after they have been through a probation period and an "in-house" radio class, we have not had any major problems with regular members having them that I can recall. Although I do see how some could have this problem and we have it in our bi-laws that if you abuse the radio privilege it will be deprogrammed and become a fancy plastic paper weight.
In our department the Chief, Asst. Chiefs, and Captains carry portables. We have other portable radios in our equipment truck which are handed out at fire scenes to crews operating without direct officer supervision.
My department the chief, deputy, assistant chief and safety officers are issued portables. We have two 3 portables on each rig, (1) driver, (1) truck officer and (1) on engines for hydrant man and (1) on truck for search. We don't issue radios to all, for one they are too expensive and cuts out the radio rangers. This is what works best for us.
My department issues radios and pagers to all members. Our pagers do not have the greatest reception in all areas of the twp. We also page over our 2-way radios that have great coverage. With our county going to digital 2-ways we may not be able to issue all personell radios and may have to depend on our pagers. i think all personell have in radios is a benefit to our rural department since personell call enroute when responding to the station so others are assured we have a crew to respond. we have only had on person slightly abuse the radio and that has been taken care of ( he no longer has one!).
We give radios to each member, we're a volunteer dept and we have a large area to cover. It helps us to know who is responding to the call and if we need to call for more help.
I am with the Clever Fire Protection District and we issue Kenwoods to all our people aftern they have shown us that they are serious about staying .
We area a small RFD of vollies here. We all get radios and it is a great thing. You know who if anyone else is responding. You know within 2 mins if you need mutial aid to be toned out also.
We all have radios and there are 4 more on the first out engine. Our rule is only 2 members mark enroute and you do not mark enroute after the first piece leaves the station. We have some rookies who are still getting used to it. Ya gotta love their enthusiasm though.
Hey Thanks Capt.
I work for two departments. My part time dept issues everyone a radio. Its a good concept but we have had many problems with people getting on them and "clogging up" the radio with useless talk which has interfered with fireground operations. Even with the proper training, when members get worked up, they get to talking. This goes for all the surrounding departments, no just mine. My full time department is talking about giving all members radios. I think it would be a disaster fro the same reasons. Its a great concept, But i believe that those who can handle the responsability of having a radio should be assigned one. And since we are supposed to follow two in two out, dont give it to the panic prone, hyper member. And the last person to have one should be the person who just likes to hear them selves talk. Be safe.
Hey Paul, Thanks for responding to the discussion, and
for your in put. I don't feel as if everyone needs a radio,
however those who can be responsable should have them.
Stay safe Brother.

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