I had the opertunity to sit through Dave Dodsens class yesterday, and was able to take alot of information away from it. My chief also attended and we will probably be changing the way we do some things now. Just wondering how many of you have had the chance to take this class, and if you had the same feelings about it?

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Myself and the chief do all the training, so its going to be a matter of retraining everyone, but it is a GREAT class. It will realy make you wake up and realize that we realy are killing ourselves more often than not. Thanks for the links as well I will definately be checking them out!
I took it and loved it. It really opened my eyes to alot of the things we have done, that are now wrong. This was the best class I have ever attended, and with my Chief's connections, I have had the benefit of some incredible classes. I will take Dodson's class next time he comes to town as his class is dynamic. Not a canned, stale, same ole same ole.
I took his class in Fort Wayne about a month ago. His class is one of the best that I have ever taken. Very informative and interactive. I brought back alot of information that I shared with our department.

I highly recommend it to anyone. I look forward to the next time I can take it. It is the type of class you can take over and over and learn somethign each time.

We have always been a very agressive "get in and get er done "type of department. I believe we we will continue to be that way but we are going to try to change to "vent-er before you enter", and "If the smoke is near the floor don't go through the door". No reason to get someone killed with firefighter induced flashover if it can be avoided.
We had a Firefighter (Officer) from a major Canadian Department that was an international speaker give a class and it was very interesting....well worth the time involved.....Paul
Well i haven"t yet but im going in june for this class from what i hear it"s a good one
I have sat through the class twice in person 2 times on a webcast and I have the video....I can not get enough of this class. SOme of the greates information out there from a true genius in the fire service. It completly changed my size up and tactical decision making for the better.
Careful about the "venter before you enter"...some members here take offense in assuming that everyone operates the same way...and that some don't even ventilate until the fire is out. BUT if you are referring to US fire service tactics, well I agree 100%! The "Art of reading smoke" is an excellent well-designed course. Much of the information is has been part of the well-seasoned fire officer's size-up for years. Thankfully someone has compiled and organized such information into an informative training course, taking into account the dangers of modern materials, furnishings, and construction.

I belive this information, and this course should be MANDATORY for all fire officers, as well as firefighters who are beyond the basic level, where they are still trying to master their task-oriented responsibility. It is part of basic firefighting, "reading" fire conditions. The importence of ventilation, TIMELY ventilation cannot be stressed enough.

I took this class awhile ago. Are Chiefs and fireman's associations brought him in to do a class for the whole county. It was a well attend event and a lot of good information. Highly recommend this to everyone. Remember it is not just the officers job to keep everyone safe but everyone who operates on the fire ground.

Kenny can you post some info about this class like website etc...

  Yes I had the opportunity a couple of years ago. Great class I took a lot of info back to my department with me. He is a very dynamic speaker and received a standing ovation when done. I highly recommend attending if the opportunity arises!

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