ok so im the only girl in my post and an on top of that im the chief of the post. i get the feeling some of the guys don't like this but im not sure. especially since i beat them at some of our drills. do any of you guys have girls in your posts and what do you think about this matter? please let me.

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I'm a volunteer firefighter & im the only girl at my station period...there are 3 women in the county that are certified & 2 junior girls
yeah we have girls on our department.As a matter of fact my girlfriend is even one of em
I will first say that, NO we do not have any females in our department. My thoughts are that if you can do the job, and you have all the qualifications needed to do the job, then why not.
An the reason why there cant be girls in a post or fire department for that matter? Come on! give it a rest. Get someone to change your diapers for goodness sakes and move on. If they can do the job shut your lip and work along beside them. Otherwise find something else to wine about. Need some cheese an crackers with that wine?
Inquiring minds want to know Jack. Oh an I think you missed a few others LOL
WOW didnt think Id be seeing this kind of post....Hmmmmmm can 'girls' be explorers and therefore firefighters....


Sorry guys one of the....like I said 1 of the best firefighters I ever worked with was a female. Awesome....great knowledge, great skills, beat some, heck many of the guys...all of them...no....but I dont beat everybody all the time at everything either...and I love all you guys that get on here and say you do...

Chief Sharp...do you win ALL the time?
Damnthing...do you?
Jake...Sure dont....

:Look at that..it wasnt painful at all to admit that.

So cmon get over it. Anybody who wants to at least has the right to pursue their chosen field.


Dont forget

Can people with moustaches be firefighters?

i had two on my last vollie dept and they kicked ass. not only were they faster at some drills they also made great contrbutions to the house.remember it just takes one person to stand up to get something new started. stick in there you may actually influence other women to join
i have more than one and they can do the job just as good as the men so you hang tough
Jake, seen some girls that had a better mustache then you. LOL!!!!!
And yes I win every time. I'm Chief remember.....
i know how u feel i am the only girl jr in the department to and i dont no how the outhers feel about it eaither but i c it as if i try my harest to help people save peoples lifes and property i dont really care as long as i try tohelp and save people i c it as it should be ok and hopefully they wont mind if i stay in the fire department for a long long wile because i hope the realize i really really like the fire department its awsome and really fun fun fun well im not a boy but i thought i would anwser ur ? as best as i could
Well i'm not a junior and we don't have companies down here but we do have a girl on our department and I have no problem going in with her when the whistle goes off we aren't guys and girls anymore we are all firefighters wearing the same uniforms and I say if you can do then have at it and more power to you

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