I live in New Castle County Delaware. We have engines rescues and ladders. An occasional tanker from down state. I do get around a little but lately I've been reading about other terms for apparatus. So maybe we can get some proper definition. I'm not going to list pumper, engine, squrt, snorkel or bronto but how about these;

Any others I missed?

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Yeah sounds about right...
Engine, ladder, tower, truck, tanker (yeah... we still call em tankers), ambulances are usually the rig or the bus, rescue, command, brush, yup thats all I can think of
TANKERS --- Sorry West Coast .... We on the the East Coast will keep calling them TANKERS not water tenders, NIMS will just have to adjust itself to America. Maybe a West Coast Edition and a East Coast Edition might be needed. LOL As long as it backs up or pulls along side and dumps 2000 gallons into my porta-pond.. It is a TANKER.
Cannon You killed it!
my company has a utility. it's our medical truck used for first responders to provide care until the ambulance gets to our little town. we also take it out for trees down and extra personnel for any call.
our new ambulance goes by "medic 2" then we have our brush/rescue/mini lol kind of a jack of all trades vehicle it is a 1 ton chevy witha 250 gal tank and some rescue equipment on it. and then we have our new engine. Might not be much to you city folk but to us it is the best thing since sliced bread. then we have our TANKER. it is not a plane but a 190????? international with a 2500 gallon old milk truck tank on it. Not the fastest thing on wheels but it will get there.
New England States calls them Machines.

This is a Tanker...

and then there are SEAT's... (single engine air tankers)

Nice pic of tanker 20. If caught under a load, they are normally called red breasted ah S**ts in this area.
How about a bunch of tankers, Neptune Air in Msla Mt.
I'm still waiting for the FIRESCOPE/NIMS definition of an ambulance.
I'm still betting it will be called a"Patient Tender".

Calling the airborne water droppers "Tankers" when there were thousands of mobile water supply trucks called "Tankers" that preceeded the airborne vesion is still a classic case of the tail wagging the dog.
The new up and coming term for a water tender is "Mobile Water Supply Apparatus"
awesome pic!

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