To all my brothers and sisters in the fire and ems service.

I want o start a virtrual bar here on this site. This is will be a place where we can stop and say howdy and have a few drinks and visit with each other. We gather for sport events, have a few drinks or have a meal. Or just what ever we want to do. Remember this is a virtual bar.

To start things off. We have a soild four side Oak Bar with Brass foot rest with Soild Oak bar stools. Have 10 big Soild Oak tables w/chairs that seat 10 people per table. We have a game room w/ three pool tables. I'll leave the vedio games up to the ones that play them things on what they want to add. We have a big 20 X 30 Deck out back w/ two Spas. We have 6 big screen plasma TV's 4 in the bar area. One in the game room and one out on tha deck.

The bar is fully stocked. We have pop, water sport drinks for the under age and the non alcoholic Bothers and Sisters.

Feel free to add anything to the saloon as you wish. This can also be a place where new people can stop in and introduce there selves to us and buy us all a drink

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Well Jen, since Ducky has sought refuge (lol), at your house, I will grant him a weekend of peace. But, then it is on... I cannot believe what those two, now one, have done to my credit card..... aaaaaagggggggghhhhhh. I think another Duck Dinner here at the saloon will be coming

For all the new members.... W E L C O M E ... watch out for the duck... lol and Bartender... set up drinks for all these new members.... and a Genny Light for me... Thank You... oh yeah.. the old members.. are on my tab tonight..
Evening folks. Rum n coke me.

I still think ducky would taste good on the
OR BBQ'd!! I'll have a genny lite also!!
Good morning folks!!

Breakfast is served. We have Eggs. Fresh cure smoked ham or fresh sausage patties. With home fries covered in sausage gravy. Toast.

Have a safe day all.
morning everyone, thx Dave, just coffee for me, still on a liquid diet for awhile. the sun is shining here in west michigan,

Rom ducky is tired of you chasing after him..So he has called on some of his ancient relatives to help....
Jen Keep ducky safe help is on the way
Whats up with t he liquid diet been out of awhile adjusting to my day schedule plus working all my days off.. Been on a 7 days streak not all 12's shifts.. But 7 in a row.... Working now ,but waiting for my transfer to come up....
Morning Dave:

Morning to all the new people to the saloon.. Feel free to jump into any discussion we are all friends here and always looking for new people to join in on the fun.....
Today at the bar
the entertainment is going to be a band from Dennis past..
Wait and see the highlights later in the day......
Morning Dennis and all the other people of the bar...
Hey Jenn
I'll take my coffee on the deck so I can have a cigar with it!
I'll take the HF w/Sausage gravy and toast and a miller lite draft also!! Hey Anne, What band was Dennis in??
Hi all,

Been awhile!! Hows everyone doin? Is there any coffee left? God knows i could use some energy!


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