To all my brothers and sisters in the fire and ems service.

I want o start a virtrual bar here on this site. This is will be a place where we can stop and say howdy and have a few drinks and visit with each other. We gather for sport events, have a few drinks or have a meal. Or just what ever we want to do. Remember this is a virtual bar.

To start things off. We have a soild four side Oak Bar with Brass foot rest with Soild Oak bar stools. Have 10 big Soild Oak tables w/chairs that seat 10 people per table. We have a game room w/ three pool tables. I'll leave the vedio games up to the ones that play them things on what they want to add. We have a big 20 X 30 Deck out back w/ two Spas. We have 6 big screen plasma TV's 4 in the bar area. One in the game room and one out on tha deck.

The bar is fully stocked. We have pop, water sport drinks for the under age and the non alcoholic Bothers and Sisters.

Feel free to add anything to the saloon as you wish. This can also be a place where new people can stop in and introduce there selves to us and buy us all a drink

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Evening Janelle. I'll make a fresh pot of coffee. You can stand a spoon in what is here.

I'll have a coors lite with a rum chaser. Hope everyone had a good day.
Caleb! hey everyone. just in before going to be, coffee please barkeep.
Stoppin in for a nitecap Hi everyone, round on me
hey John, it is getting cold here in west michigan.
Nitecap time, I'll have a miller lite long neck and a shot of jack!
hey floyd, night to ya'll stay safe.
What nobody here?? Is everybody outside working in the yard like me?? I need a break, Barkeep A long neck miller lite and something to eat please!!
Sure Could use some company and a stiff drink been a long 18 hour shift of pure hell anybody up for some company iam buying
Hey All, Nite cap time, I'll have a miller lite draft please!!
Ok, I'll have a Jack & pepsi and something for lunch!!
Well Hello to everyone..... I have been out hunting for Ducky and her new pack... and Caleb, you are right on.

I am tired after all that hunting... we should be in good shape in the freezer for quite awhile...LOL

Bartender.... A Genny Light please.... and pass some of this 00 buck shot around.... lol
Thief makes away with duckling from Public Garden
April 6, 2009 03:50 PM Email| Comments (12)| Text size – +
(Globe staff photo/David L. Ryan)
The theft of Pack left a gaping hole in one of the city's signature public works of art.

By Globe Staff

A bronze duckling was stolen from the storied Make Way for Ducklings sculpture in the Public Garden, the beloved bird snapped off at its webbed feet, police said today.

The sculptor, Nancy Schon, posed with the ducklings in 2007, 20 years after her work was installed in the Public Garden. (Globe file photo)

Park Rangers on routine patrol noticed this morning that Pack, the seventh of eight ducklings, had been stolen from their brick path near the corner of Beacon and Charles streets. The young fowl have stood in a curving line behind their mother, Mrs. Mallard, since Nancy Schon created and installed the sculpture in 1987. The work celebrates Robert McCloskey’s timeless children's book, "Make Way for Ducklings."

“Not only are the Make Way for Ducklings loved by everyone, but they are public art,” Mayor Thomas M. Menino said in a statement. “This act is not a prank, it is a crime. We would strongly encourage anyone with information to please come forward to assist with Pack’s safe return.”

It's not the first time the sculpture has been hit.

In 1987, when the ducks were first placed in the garden, Quack was taken before the cement even dried. In 1988, Mack was stolen, and in 1992 Quack was taken again. That time, his theft caused such an outcry that buttons reading "Bring Quack Back" were sold to raise money for his replacement.

Jack, the eldest of Mrs. Mallard's eight children, has been stolen twice: He was cut from his family in 1995 and in 1999, thought in the second case he was later found under a desk at a Boston College library.

If caught, the perpetrator could face larceny charges for the theft of public art. Officer Michael, from the children's book, and the entire Boston Police Department are encouraging anyone with information about Pack to call the District A-1 detectives at 617-343-4248. People can also leave anonymous information by calling CrimeStoppers at 1 (800) 494-TIPS or texting the word ‘TIP’ to CRIME (27463).

Ok Rom you have been caught, I am about to alert the police to where Ducky is.... He went under ground and you found him.... Give him back


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