There has been a lot of discussion here on the FFN about spelling and grammar usage. Having been off from work for the past four months, I came across this memo from one of our investigators and thought I'd ask you if your department has the same level of awareness to be grammatically vigilant.

The investigator offers one suggestion for spell checking while writing reports, this could also affect your pc's ability to underline misspelled words when posting on FFN. I wanted to note that if you are using MacBook Pro, place your cursor over the red-underlined (actually red dots) and press ctrl, a window pops up and offers suggestions for correct spelling.

I hope this is one of those "helpful posts". TCSS, Mike from Santa Barbara

"I have recently assumed responsibility for providing reports to Insurance Companies, Law Firms, and other subjects requesting your reports. Many reports, primarily in the "narrative" section, contain significant spelling and/or grammar errors. One method to improve the reports is to use lower case text, which will enable the spell checker resource. When you enter all "CAPS" spell checker ignores the errors. I plan to provide further information regarding reports and other investigation issues in the near future, but did not want to delay notification to those who may benefit from this simple resource.

I certainly hope this message is written correctly; if not, please disregard the information above."

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I kant bleeve weer stil tawking abowt speling korektly! lol
Craig, you cracked me up!
Thats funny
Well, I'll keep my religion to myself, but as for spelling, no matter what anyone already knows, its very true that if you have to go to court, they will rip you to pieces for spelling, grammer, and anything else they can think of on your reports. during one appearance I made, the patients' attorny had my patient care report, tore it apart, and tried to do the same to me. My saving grace was the other attorney had been a volunteer fireman for 20 years, and had pulled 6 other reports of mine from the same time. He pointed out my consistancies, how each report looked exactly the same, and that the spelling was indeed correct, as the abbreviations I used were normal and accurate. If you have to make an appearance, don't expect the same luck I had! As for texting on cell phones, all normal rules go out the window.
Now we can enter into the difference between strictly grammatical English, and the use of grammatically incorrect language for effect.

My language use is, I think, reasonable. Not perfect, but reasonable. My spelling also. However I do make mistakes. Sometimes I make 'mistakes' on purpose; I'll start a sentence with 'but', or 'and'. I have been known to split an infinitive. I do these things knowing it is technically incorrect, but knowing also that people with a reasonable knowledge of English grammar will be jarred by that 'mistake', will perhaps take more notice of the sentence that follows simply because their attention has been jarred. Those with poorer grammatical knowledge won't even notice. I do not use any of those tricks when writing reports. They may have sneaked into the odd essay at University however...

It's now past midnight, I also am going to bed.
Good point Tony,

Your posts are always easy to read mainly because of your use of punctuation marks. My eyes and head hurt when I read run on sentences and try to figure out where they break and restart. A sign of haste. I guess we all need to know our audience when typing. TCSS my down under Friend.
what's scarry D is that I actually understood what you wrote... go figure... : )
Right on, damnthing!
I can make out what he said, but it was hard work!
Only idiots run into burning buildings, the kind of idiots I don't want on my team. You walk into a burning building, you check for structural safety as you go. Trapped, injured and dead firefighters can't help anybody.
Hey Man I can still read it........
EngineLadder... you are so missing the point here buddy. I tried to extract what I could off your website and there's not much information to go on to give you the "whiskers" to come off like an old salt. In fact, it's downright scary. In today's fire service, you have adults responding and mitigating incidents.

Your comment broke a bunch of common sense rules, and again, what scares me is that you are not cognizant (aware) of what you said. With that spirit, and using this forum as a learning tool for the real world, here's my take:

Spelling not that important having the balls... Learning basic sentence structure is necessary when completing fire inspection forms, your time card and other basic things associated with the job of a firefighter. If you cannot accomplish these basic communicative tasks, then Captain's like myself have to babysit you and make sure you do things correctly. Rule number one, make the Captain look good, remember?

Your reference to "balls" infers that you have absolutely no respect for women or children reading this public forum posted by firefighters. There really is a difference between how firefighters behave and talk compared to the general public. This is one of Jeff Foxworthy's, "and there's your sign..."

Good job letting the whole world think that we are illiterate, rude and use absolutely no common sense when dealing with a structure fire, e.g. having the balls to run into the building crap. You are giving me the very strong impression that you are incredibly high maintenance and someone that could actually make the problem worse... Tell me I am wrong and that you were sleepy or "just kidding" when you typed this nonsense. I've got big shoulders and will recant my post if I am not spot on here.

Assuming that my words here are from the heart, please consider the following:

Strive for perfection, never settle for getting by using minimal effort. Your current opinion that spelling not that important, (spelling IS not that important)... shows us that you are not willing to go the extra distance to leave the public with the impression that they are getting their monies worth. With today's economy, folks who have a lot of education are going to take your job away. I hope you are listening here...

You can't use terms that describe the males genitalia on an open forum without someone thinking WTF... It's obviously a sexual innuendo that reflects more on maturity level than anything else.

Where on earth do you work where you are going to run into anything? Don't you work with an engine company crew? Is this the way your fire department conducts itself at structure fires? God help you if this is true, which in fact I find very hard to believe.

You better pray that no one in your department finds out that you are posting such nonsense. I take it that this is why there is so little information on your profile page. Make's me wonder if your just a poser, mimicking what you have seen on TV...

Feel free to write me back because I think it's more important to call it like I see it and let the rest of the world that reads this post that we, the american fire service DO NOT TOLERATE these types of comments, actions or things that a reasonable person would find offensive.

Stay safe and train often... bz

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