There has been a lot of discussion here on the FFN about spelling and grammar usage. Having been off from work for the past four months, I came across this memo from one of our investigators and thought I'd ask you if your department has the same level of awareness to be grammatically vigilant.

The investigator offers one suggestion for spell checking while writing reports, this could also affect your pc's ability to underline misspelled words when posting on FFN. I wanted to note that if you are using MacBook Pro, place your cursor over the red-underlined (actually red dots) and press ctrl, a window pops up and offers suggestions for correct spelling.

I hope this is one of those "helpful posts". TCSS, Mike from Santa Barbara

"I have recently assumed responsibility for providing reports to Insurance Companies, Law Firms, and other subjects requesting your reports. Many reports, primarily in the "narrative" section, contain significant spelling and/or grammar errors. One method to improve the reports is to use lower case text, which will enable the spell checker resource. When you enter all "CAPS" spell checker ignores the errors. I plan to provide further information regarding reports and other investigation issues in the near future, but did not want to delay notification to those who may benefit from this simple resource.

I certainly hope this message is written correctly; if not, please disregard the information above."

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thts kuz eye rite wth a amrcn ak cent

Alright D, enough is enough, here's the correct spelling and grammar... you really need to pay more attention here to detail. Your lucky this time that I cot it. I've got your six!

thts kuz eye rite wth a ann amrcn ak cent

: ) BZ
So, what you're saying is that misspelling and bad grammar is more prevalent in the volunteer sector?
Or were you comparing us to cops?
Bring some clarity to this.
And while we are on the subject, where were the TEACHERS when we were misspelling words and using bad grammar? They need to take some responsibility in this.
The cell phone manufacturers could put a block on misspelling, forcing users to spell words correctly when texting.
Parents need to step up too. If they are going to give their kids phones, then maybe they add minutes to the plan if the kid uses good grammar and correct spelling.
Point the finger where it should be.
Art, If this was directed toward my original post then I should qualify that it was originally intended for folks posting things on the FFN and making use of spell check features. My personal opinion is that spelling does count and that one should constantly strive toward being the best they can be, including spelling and grammar usage.

There is an obvious difference between using the internet vs the real world. At times however, it is frustrating to see the lack of understanding by folks who can't put a rationale sentence together to share their thoughts. What a shame. But then again, as folks read these posts, and the key point here is READ... eventually, they will learn by doing, what a concept and another benefit to participating with the FFN.

And for the record, I have and never will draw any comparisons between volunteer vs career anything. Some of the brightest people I have met in the fire service are from the volunteer world and it would not be fair to the career guys to show any kind of preference on my behalf. And as far as cops... the job in my area has mostly college graduates working as police officers deputies or patrolmen. Many have Master degree's. I can't say that this is really the case for the fire service...

I was being a jag off.
I was being sarcastic.
I was just "shakin' things up" a little.
If you haven't noticed, in the "discussions", no one discusses. They blow right over a thoughtful and articulate response so that they can massacre grammar on their way to stating their ill-conceived opinion.
I just got back from Toys-R-Us.
There was a commotion near where I was looking at fire toys. Two kids were fighting unabated. Mom was standing right there, but was oblivious to the screaming and the stuff getting knocked to the floor. Know why? SHE WAS TEXTING!
Two days ago I was standing in line at Starbucks to order my usual Cafe' Americano-Venti and a guy runs right into me. What could he have possibly been doing that would cause him to bump head long into me? HE WAS TEXTING!
I will tell you; this damned obsession with cell phones is going to be the death of civilization. Sony was complaining today that they only plan on selling 14 million new cell phones in the first quarter of this year.
God help us.
I mean; before we know it, pre-schoolers will have cell phones just in case a bomb threat gets called in by a pissed off baby radical Jihad.
Ah, screw it; it's Friday. Let's drink.
Michael: you handled EngineLadder quite nicely. Your post should be required reading for all new members and a refresher for the rest of us. Well done.
No; I have been thinking alot about getting my motorcycle out and I have been hitting golf balls in preparation for an early start to this season.
Text me; I'll tell you all about it!
I'm not a firefighter, but I work closely with firefighters every day as part of my job and I must admit I'm really surprised by this discussion. I didn't realize how many people truly care about how they present themselves in print or on paper.

That said, I strongly believe firefighters are held to a different standard, as Capt. Busy implied in his earlier reply, so they should care very much about how they present themselves in print. Civilians put their babies in your arms. Your face, your voice might be the last ones they see and/or hear. You are scrutinized, even when it comes to the "little" things, like spelling. If I needed emergency assistance and noticed the word "paramedic" was misspelled on your rig, I'd never forget it. An expensive mistake in more ways than one.
I am going to have to knock 5 points off of your post.
Go back and look at how you spelled "Chief".
Tsk tsk.
You missed a perfect post by 5 points.
Or are we using pass/fail?
I predict in another five years that there will no longer be spelling bees, but texting bees.
Homo sapiens will evolve to where they will have thumbs.
Big toes will have to wait.
Too Shay!
Good Discussion.
Art, please leave teachers out of this. Every time my wife looks at this site all I hear about is grammar, grammar and you guessed it more grammar. (3rd grade teacher with an english major). Sorry I misspelled please, just replace it with PLZ. Also plz don't nitpick my grammar.
Here's another thing to think about:

This site, and its forums, are in the public domain. Anyone can log on to this site and browse the forums, profiles, etc.

Employers can/will check out your Myspace or Facebook sites to see if there are any "unflattering" posts before hiring you, I can see some attorney doing the same thing on this site...

"Ahh, Firefighter Smith, so you say you wrote the fire report for the incident brought before this court today?"
"Yes, counselor"
"It was very well written..."
"Thank you"
"Are you, or are you not, 'Fireguy1234567', on"
"Ummmm...I am...."
"Interesting....I've seen some of your posts"
"You did?"
"Yes, I did...strange how your grammar and spelling are, shall we say, less than perfect in your posts on the site, but perfect in "your" report...."
"Do you really expect this court to believe that you write very well sometimes, but not so well at other times???"
"Is this really your report, or did someone else write it? Furthermore, if I can't be sure this is your report, how can anyone be sure that you did what you said in this report, or that you did it properly???"

The defense attorney can use that to create doubt about you in court. It can be worse when the spelling/grammar use is poor in the report itself...

"So, you misspelled "Blitz line" three times in your report...if you can't spell it, how are we to believe that you can actually use that device properly....?"

In a nutshell, if your spelling/grammar are bad, some defense attorney is going to use it as proof that your tactics /skills are less than stellar as well.

It's simple - cover your butt. Write well, because what you write can make the difference in front of a jury.
It just seems to be an appropriate discussion.
For you poor spellers our there: et jist seams 2 b a apropiet dicushun.

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