So which one is the most bad ass job.... im going with wildland true to heart.... what does everyone else think? and reasons

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Anne, I think your right. However, I believe your gonna get a run for your money of comments to the difference. Early on I was a "Hotshot" crew member for 3 summers. I loved the work and fun. We deal with wildland issues on an occasional basis but have to say I miss that side of the work. As a Fire Chief I get more involved with Emergency Management now then on the end of a Pollaski but still think fondly of those days. You go girl! Have fun an come home safe.
I am structure all the way but I gotta give it up for the wildland folks. They have got to have nerves of steel. The ways those fires grow and the amount of resources needed to extinguish them are just too overwhelming for this small town vollie!!! LOL

Keep up the good work and stay safe out there
I would have to say if I were out fighting fires I would say both only because my town got hit with a real bad wild fire that killed two firemen and because we had to fight 36 structure fires in one night during the wild fire that happend April 15, 2008
I'm not sure who has the harder end of it. i do both, and honestly I love the wildland part best, just because I don't have to wear 85 lbs of gear and carry my air on my back to do it. Plus, I get to fight fire for days or weeks at a time, instead of just a few hours. Added onto that is the fact that not only do we spend all our time outside, but after a fire we smell like a campfire for a week, and I sooooooo love that smell.
Hey I like your response to this post Jason Koontz
There's something about taking on the beast with just hand tools instead of a hose. I'll always be partial to wildfires.
Doesn't matter we are all Firefighters regardless of whether its in a building or in the wildlands. So both are
Anybody thats given a rake, a shelter, and a canteen of water and disappears into the woods for however long at a time gets major kudos from me lol. I'm with John on this one though, it really doesn't matter, each has its better/worse aspects but what it all boils down to is the same either way.... Life Safety, Stabilizing, and Conservation.
Well said John
Why would anyone want to be known as a "bad ass"?
I'd settle for "professional" for either wildand, structural, or those of us who do both.
Sounds like the Civil War going on here. Brothers VS Brothers. We're all in it together. Alot of us structural firfighters are also US forest service certified to fight wild fires. You wouldn't catch me jumping from a perfectly good airplane into a burning forest mind you, but I'd fly out to help you guys in a heartbeat, if I were called upon, and I'd bet every one else here would too! We're all brothers here to back eachother up anyway we can.. Stay safe brother!
I'm with Ben. "Bad Ass"? A bit too gungho a term for me (plus I don't own a donkey, so no ass in sight).

I do both structural and wildfire. They are two very different types of endeavour, requiring different skill sets. Neither is better or worse, neither is more dangerous than the other. There is excitement and hard work with both. There are dangers with both. There can be a very nasty side to both. There are people who only fight wildfires, others who are in an urban situation. Sometimes people from each group will denegrate the efforts of the others - they are wrong to do so.

I will admit that we're strange here. After winter of urban oriented jobs, we look upon the opportunity to go away with a wildfire Strike Team as a reward. It's different.

Oh, Oldman? You can keep your hand tools mate! I stay away from them as much as possible...

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