We are in the process of starting a state Technical Rescue Team that would respond to major disaters.
We are looking for suggestions on a selection process for team members without instituting the " good old boy system".
We need a team of 15 and we have 30 applicants.

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sorry to ask, but could you be a bit more specific on what would be a technical rescue team. or just the technical part. i might be able to make a suggestion.
It would be Confined Space - High Angle - Trench - Building & Shoring - Swift Water - Haz Mat.
Some of us have certifications in some areas, but wouldn't nessesarily be a good choice for the team.
You are going to need a lot more than 15. My hazmat team has 35, my technical rescue team has about the same. You need at least the 30 that you have applying, probably more. Especially if this is for the state.
Well there are a couple of ways to go. If you want a federal USAR teem, you’ll need about 70 people and a BIG checkbook. The other way is a TRT team, 30 people total with 3-10man teams. You’ll still need a big checkbook and about 470hours of training per man.
I have outfitted a couple of teams already. Just for rope gear, you are looking at about $8,000- $10,000. This is not including the CSR gear, shoring or hazmat stuff. Hazmat alone can be over $100,00 very easily.
well certified ppl are a good start. I wouldnt go any less then 30-35 members and teams of no less than 5 each. These ppl. should be pretty physically fit, but be careful not to disciminate. I'm a pretty big guy, not so much as round as I am Broad shouldered, so confined space is dificult for me but i can do it when the need arizes. Also try to have specific teams for specific incidents, and ues the others for manpower. And all should be equally trained for every event. And it is going to get costly real quick, so keep that in mind as well. Good Luck.
JB brought up something I think you need to consider; I wouldn’t mix hazmat and TRT, way to much when combined to be proficient. In Illinois we have 1 USAR team but 40 TRT and 55 hazmat teams, USAR is a whole different ballgame to qualify for. TRT teams to be both TRT and hazmat will require around 600hrs of training. TRT is required to be trained to the command level of hazmat, which is 72hrs. Now you need to consider the annual refresher training which is 24hrs; x2 for both. TRT you might be able to get by on a budget but hazmat as JB pointed out will require some large capital.
I’m a little curios as to what you are looking for in reference to the “good-ole-boy” thing; if you want to respond to a federal disaster you’ll need to be USAR or you won’t even be asked to come unless you are tied into a state MA agreement, anything less would be freelancing.
How are you funding this? Do you understand to cover that many "technical" areas you are going to need almost a full-time committment?

I foresee funding, equipment purchases and keeping your training up to be almost impossible.

We do everything that you want to do and our start up costs were over 300,000 dollars. The NFPA physicals needed annually are a couple thousand per man. 30 guys looking at 60K, now lets talk equipment, trailers, trucks, etc.

I also agree, the number of team members needs to be almost doubled as well.
Thanks for your imput. I have recieved a grant from the FEDS of WMD moneys.
We already have about 12 people certified in Technical and about 30 in Hazmat. The powers to be want so many from Haz Mat and so many From the technical end, plus paramedics.
I am just looking for a critera to pick members from.

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