I was just wondering how many of the smaller depts issue everyone their own mask. We have tried for years to get the dept to issue everyone their own mask so everyone was gauranteed to have the propper size, if you don't clean it real well after the call it is your face going back into it and the like. We keep getting shot down because the Chief says he is not going to order someone a mask and not have them show up or quit 3 months later. He is also worried about our high turnover rate of rookies and we explained to him to have spares for each pack so if one does go down or something that person has one to use and the rookies can use those until they have been around for a period of time to be determined then order them their own. He still won't do it so I am wondering how other smaller dept's do it. We currently have around 85 people on the dept and some of them I am not real keen on sticking my face into somewhere theirs has been and not knowing how well it was cleaned but on the flip side I can't exactly afford to go get my own like a few others have.

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We are also vollies and have a member count of about 20. I have been fit tested and do NOT have my own mask. Money is the big issue with all vollies. Like I said we have 20 +- on roster but usaully lucky if we get 4 to show up for a fire. So how would you decide who got the mask??
wow after reading some of the other replies i feel mistreated. our dept has about 25 members, all volunteer, and we have one mask for each pack (4 on engine and 2 on mini pumper) I currently am trying to get Rx inserts that i have to pay for myself and we have 2 different styles of masks. nice pickle i'm in so quit whining and carry some alcohol wipes if its that bad
I'm certainly not in a small 'department'. More like one of the largest mostly volunteer Fire Services in the world (I think over 50,000 members makes us pretty big?). Individual masks? No hope. We have one mask for each BA set in each Brigade. That means six where I am. After use they are cleaned, inspected and disinfected ready for the next user. On big jobs they can go through that process at the job and be given to another person to use. It works.

Yes I agree it would be nice to have my own mask. But then there'd be that lazy slob who'd steal mine because he couldn't be bothered doing a proper cleanup on his own.
Big department compared to mine we have 35 member's and can't not afford to buy a mask for everyone. We have 12 packs i mask for each pack plus 4 extra masks. We purchased 3 small mask and the rest are medium's. We have been trying to get grant money to be able to outfitt everyone with thier own mask, but no luck so far.
Here on ny vol. team we have 1 mask per pack, total 15 working packs with masks. Everybody shares them, but who knows if there clean. Our dept. will not buy masks, they say you don't need them, use what we have. fit test ! we don't have fit test. Bunker Gear, we get someone elses gear when they leave. last time they bought gear was in 2001. So if it fit's great, if not then make it fit.
We have issued mask to all of our entry personnel and have a spare mask at every pack on each truck. We are a small department but its more of a safety issue to us and we wanted all of our entry people to have thier own mask.
I wish we had our own masks.
Each of our interior firefighters has a mask assigned, to be kept with his/her turn out gear. The interior folks are the ones who have been around a while and will be around for years to come, otherwise they don't get selected for interior work.

Each SCBA also has a mask assigned it for others to use in ventilation, overhaul or training scenarios.
Have not read any of the responses somone might have brought this up but check yu state's respirtory protcet act it may give you a leagel foot to stand on
We have never had a problem with anyone getting a good seal when using these face pieces. So if they are getting a good seal with them and they are properly cleaned I do not see how it would be dangerous.
Um...the whole mask thing is something you should be worried about. Mask cleanliness is important, as is fit.

Oh, and you wouldn't be running into any burning building if I was on the fireground. Running firefighter equals early casualty - ever heard of checking for structural integrity? We don't have basements here, but we always check the state of the floor as we advance through a structure.

I can see a good case for individual masks, I just can't see it happening here.
We have 30 volunteers, 15 part time paid and 11 full time paid and everyone gets a mask that they keep with their gear. No one shares. Mine have inserts for eye glasses, Never had that in the old days.... Every year they are fit tested and certified. If they fail tey get pitched. All departments, no matter the size, need to issue masks. Its a different time than when we only had 6 air packs, this was my department when I started, now we have 29 packs and that does not include the spairs we have for reserve. You may as well buy everyone a mask and be compliant with NFPA,and OSHA...

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