I am sure that this has been discussed before on here. But I am curious what tools you and your dept. use the most and find the most valuable to have on scene.

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a good 6 foot pike pole or a k-950 rotary saw is a great tool to have on hand (so many different uses)
(but thats on fires)

other wise its EMS gloves and Trama Box
Lots of guys on my dept go for the 6' pike pole, but I find it mostly ineffective for the task at hand and go for the 6' plaster hook (big claw on one side, nice point to punch through with, and small hook on the back side that is great for getting between lath and ripping the crap out of it. The freaking pike just punches a hole and pulls an equally small hole down. I drop large hunks of ceiling with the plaster hook.

Also on the prefered tool list is a set of irons, a 5' New York Roof Hook, and a PW can. Of course all 3 will go in with a flashlight and a radio.
Tried a Denver Tool one time, was not impressed. Not to say others may not love it, just not a fan.
the first tool I always get is my t-n-t tool (denver tool)
In Russia, for each fire management is a mandatory set of Partner k750, scrap, axes, hose, communications equipment, ropes to bind members link.
The truth is not always respected this set
There's a couple different tricks to use to make the pike pole more efficient when pulling ceiling down. One is to use the handle end to puncture through the ceiling first(it's easier on the arms and you don't have to struggle with the hook getting stuck), making a square around the joists. Then take the working end, grab the corner of the square you just made, and the whole thing should come down.
Pick head axe, that is my tool dude.
There really isn;t an SOP for first in engine except the officer carried a pick head axe. First truck the officer has a pick head axe and the inside man has a 6ft pike pole and a combination ladder. The driver and outside man have the whole truck of tools at their disposal. Second in engine really has no assigned equipment but I always grab a set of irons and the oficer usually has a pick head axe. Third in engine sets up RIT so they have a whole compliment of tools.

I find the irons most useful. Pick head axe is good for overhaul work and so is a pike pole. Depends on your preference.
On just about every call I've got my trusty halligan bar/flat-head axe combo and a toolbag with me. If its a medical call then I've got a medical bag and my toolbag. You never know when you might need some tools (I keep an assortment of screwdrivers, pliers, cutters, saws, plugs, blades, and minitools in my toolbag). If I had some extra arms though I'd bring a sledge hammer and a pike pole too.
Avoiding the obvious....I like to have a drywall hook. Depending on the type of house I might carry a TNT tool.
Ha! Yes! I carry the FUBAR, it has come in handy on more than one occasion, and I love it.

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