getting to know your repsonse area(s) this has to do with street names, quirks, water supplys specific Occupancies within your area and going from Yeah I heard of that to OHH yeah I "know" about this or that...I work in a city...streets are paved (usually), have hydrants, (usually) and addresses and cross streets right?(usually) what could be simpler.. especially for those of you who regularly are dispatched to RFD#2 Nextown over highway (which becomes Your town hiway just about at the halfway point between.. better known as 3500 feet past Joe Shagott's Garage (the pumps still advertise Eythl @36 cents gallon) but if you get to the apple orchard ya got to turn back... yeah it sounds pretty bad, especially if the dispatcher happens to be Joe Shagott's Grand niece by marrage..

Having general knowledge of your area helps usually here the numbers get bigger heading away from downtown... street names/roads names can change for no reason... I have seen roads through the center of towns with as many as 5 names fr no apparent rhyme or reason as well as renaming or honor naming some blocks then leaving the orginal name below the honoree's name how many sound alikes are there? East Washington avenue left onto Washington Avenue down several blocks to a right on Washington Terrace to a left on Washington CT . a few years ago, we had a small job 2 rooms kitchen and living room On Lorrain terrace which is a left off of Park to the dead end, and not to be confused with Lorraine street whichs right off park offset a few feet.... The 1st due went straight in and the 2nd due engine was charged with watersupply, with a hydrant at the corner.... we went in and started working on it water supplywas established, it turns out that the rescue, assistant chief, and ladder allwentin on the other side of park, Then had to back out of the dead end and with traffic screwed up as it was , well just a nightmare why didnt they see the hose? who knows....They just another fire on the same side yesterday, and I am pretty sure it happened again, but I believe the 1st due was off duty, bringing in further out companies....that dont the district as well.. The"good thing" is that many of the like names are near Laural court is right off Laural Avenue, but at 4 am when Laural Place comes in You would be amazed howmany of these guys think they are heading to the court which is totally in the opposite direction by20 blocks. to make it worse.. Lauralwood Apts an elderly hirise is located on Norman between laural and wood aves
I can think of a few others but its late,.. for you guys that drive, are offiicers what can we do to keep familiar with our respose areas? GPS? you will never learn it with one of those

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Words to live by Jim! My first assignment covered William B Wilson St, William B Street, Wilson Street and Wilson Lane. We used to depend on the "old driver" who grew up here and knew every alley. Now 20 years later at my present station I still have to stop and think before we head out. We have map books, but a two inch ring binder does take time...Oddly enough someone is always there to "tell us where to go." lol
our map bookis named for a guy who compiled them.... His surname is used , when Igot on 20 years ago (in two weeks) there were guys with 30 yearson that had NO idea who he was.. Obviously the changes are updated abnd made with white out and pen and ink in many cases until a better version hopefully makes it in the book in some case I've seem streets that havent existed in twenty five or more years... "buckingham ave used to be where that hirise eldery place I was talking about is/was built about .. I drove trucks for 15 years before and while on the job lumber,oil, seafood, eggs to name a few comodities YOu'd be surprised at the education you get doing that .. Makes you ultra aware long before you head out the door IF I approach a t intersection and Know what number I am looking for, Murphys law says if I go left It the house on the right, if I go right its the house on the left.. I would put money on it and it will be the only house with NO number visable or painted over so impossible to see ... what are you blind? you Cant see the white number three twelve in 3 inch letters set diagonally backwards just outside the porch light beam on the L facing the neighbors house with a bush thats covering 1/2 of it or the Xmas decoration obliterate it totally while driving down the road at 3o mph looking out dirty rain soaked and fogged inside windows with reflection of a mapbook light in my face at 4 am.. Um NO sir I am not freaking physic or better yet well you saw me standing there...yes along with aboutan average of two hundred people standing there somewhere during the course of the day, Now Had you waved or gestured in some way Maybe then I might have figure out YOu were the caller and no just some idiot standing out on the sidewalk,..thank you....... Then with a 5 car crash, cars on rooves and on fire and ejections is when the same person will feel the need to stand in the road and either give you a yoohoo its overhere or tell you even though he walked away it wasnt his fault and some big pink rabbit jumped in frontof him causing the maylay lol gotta love it..
We have a small lane on one side it is actually the driveway into a rear parking lot of a 10 story hirise dwelling beside the parking lot is a single family dwelling, at some point in history the owner and his neighbor on his B side exposure chose to shut the road down so between the properties one erected a couple sections of st0ckaid fencing on the back side of it the neighbor brought in a truckload of topsoil, leveled that on the road and planted grass.. so now we have two ofthe same roads one with two houses one with only one house when the driveway neighbor called 911 having a medical emergency it was a shame that the guys smashed a section of fence down to gain access to the guys house with is usually blocked by parked cars in the fire lane which is actually a city "street"
Getting the building, or P& Z guys would only serve to piss everyone off in all locations, The sad part was the guy having the medical emergency ended up having a heart attack , most likely when he saw the stupid firemen bashing down his beautiful 20 dollar illegally placed stockade fence.. go figure...


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