Drum Major John Coleman of the Cleveland Firefighters Memorial Pipes and Drums band has quit the group following his initial suspension from the band for six months after a nod and wave at President Barack Obama during last week's inaugural parade.

Coleman's resignation from the band, first reported by the Plain Dealer earlier today, comes after becoming the center of a nationwide firestorm on whether the initial suspension was appropriate -- or over the top.

"There are too many bridges burned with the pipe band, too many hurt feelings on both sides," Coleman told the Plain Dealer, fire inspector for Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

Here's a story from CNN.com about the original suspension, including an interview with the man at the center of it all (well, not Obama but...)

What are your thoughts on this? Should he have been suspended for breaking 'military parade protocol'? Should he have quit (granted, the press was substantial -- but the outcry was mostly over him being suspended)? What would you have done if marching by the newly minted President?

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OK, couple of thoughts both ways here...

6 months was extreme, unless there are other issues which have not been released.
Quitting over this is just that... quitting. If you do not like the sanction, fight it. If your organization has sanctions in place for transgressions, it should also have an appeal system.
As far as the nature of his transgression, was it noted the salutes of any of the other bands in the parade? My guess would be that they were not 'a nod and a wave'. If this band participates in these type functions, then they should have a dedicated 'salute' gesture, which would be more appropriate than a 'nod and a wave'.
Not sure what I think of the whole band trying to play while facing the viewing stand... C'mon, these are largely FF's, and everyone knows we may be able to put out fires well, but walking in a straight line and chewing gum is a chore. A half-left facing move for review could NOT have been pretty.
I think it is a bunch of crap what they did to him for that. I could see if he had given him the finger but come on.
This is news? The libs in the house ok $815 billion pork spending package today, and this is headlines around the country? No wonder this country is headed where it is
well six month may be harsh, that sucks for mr. coleman. obama better be glad that i wasn't the band major,i'd gave him the one finger salute!,lololololololol! anyways hope that mr coleman re considers and joins back up. keep the pipes and drums going brothers!
I am sorry...but president or not you never do what he did...I am on the Honor Guard for the fire departments here and we are always told when you are involved in something you are representing all fire departments and you keep your mind on what you are doing and who you are there for..No talking or smiling or anything is excepted....He is one of the drum majors..what would he have done had one of the drummers or any band member had done the same thing... He would of been just as upset as his superior was...Yes we all get caught up in the "aw" of seeing someone "famous" but again you have to remember what you are there for...He was representing a lot of people and they were counting on him and he goes and nods waves and winks at the President and who knows if the President really actually was even looking at him??? He could of been waving and looking at anybody....
Sorry I agree with suspending him...For how long that is up to the people in charge...
What would I have done...I would of marched right on by and not done what Mr. Coleman did...Being on the Honor Guard myself.....we focus on what we are there for...You do not do anything that is going to hurt your guard or make them look bad...No it probably didn't bother the others then...but not only is he getting attention but it brings it to the whole band....People are gonna think who will be next...So no he should not have waved winked or nodded...

I also agree with another comment...If this is what we have to report our country is in bad shape.....
that is crap... he waved for crying out loud.. it u r going to suspend him atleast make it like 15-30 days... 6 months is out of controll
well he quit due to getting soooo many calls that he had to disconnect his phone and also tooke his email off of the cleveland fire site also do to abusing the email and he said he didnt want to draw any more attention to his band along with imbarassment
Ridiculous....he waved, who wouldn't wave??
It sounds like it was made very clear to all members of that drum corp that it was a military style parade and that things like that could NOT be done. As a drum major, it is his job to set the proper example for others to follow. But really; who cares if he quits or not??? Just one more person trying to get their fifteen minutes
Great, the gifted one is to be getting more jobs, and he already has lost one.
Not is it hurting the team, but it's bringing tons of bad publicity to the department!

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