Below are a series of photos courtesy "FirehouseGuy" from from a daytime house fire last week in Maryland.

These photos are circulating around the Web on sites such as Firefighter Close Calls on the aspect of firefighter safety ... with the site noting "No one hurt but good pictures from the scene drawing "THINK" attention to PPE, SCBA and roof operations. While we love roof operations when needed, we are don't love un-needed exposure to the smoke -- today's smoke is some nasty crap.....we need to THINK. 1000 active Firefighters die each year to cancer."

What are your thoughts and your department's SOPs for firefighters operating on the roof of structure firefighters?

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I have a legit question for Cannon. What was handed down for diciplin? Maybe you cannot say, but I am more curious if it was for SCBA, being alone on the roof, being on the roof in the first place? Just wondering. I wrote in earlier and other than the SCBA issue, I am ok with what is going on.

I work in an all full time fire department on the only truck co. and this is standard practice, one person out side truck ops, atleast to start, and no roof ladder on low pitch, actually just did this about a month ago, and cut 3 holes is different locations.

And lets all not forget, roof ops are one of the most dangerous operations that we will do for a number of different reasons, and that is because we are OVER the fire , or supposed to be, so when you see flames coming or as many are saying self venting from the roof, that is because he just cut that hole and did an excellent job, when you cut the hole high heat and products of combustion, and even open burning are supposed to happen.

All good talk.

Stay safe.
When ever u taste the smoke, u have gone to far and should havebeen wearing SCBA and mask on.
We should always breath claen air and if it is smoky or gasous area u should be breathing it out of a SCBA cilindar.
We risk alot to save saveable lives,we risk a little to save saveable property.In my opinion the picture shows niether. This firefighter has a family that cares somewhere,They have to come first.
yep i agree with Capt. ENG71INE
this fire: go defensive! dont worry bout attacking the fire/ventialtion just save what you can and worry bout exposers taking off!!! GET OFF THE ROOF AND GRAB ANOTHER LINE!!!!
But if you must be on that roof use an SBCA and a buddy, so if u go threw the roof there is someone else up there to YELL down to I.C.

Ok so about using the SCBA on roofs. Bring it up with you, so if you need it you have it and if you dont, you dont. I dont mean use it and have ur mask and bottle on, just put it on your back so that way you "have it when you need it"
Career or volunteer...if we're going to be professionals then we have to put personal and team safety first. We have to secure the roof before putting someone on it, haven't we all heard of risk/benift? If we can warrent being on the roof we should have SCBA if there is or the potential of smoke. ~Jackie
I agree....said the same thing
ok well were do we start.1 )were is the roof latter 2) SCBA 3) mmm vent the roof 40 mm were is is or her back up . if my chief saw me do this i will get my ass ripped off and spit out for about hours.then he will tell me to go home and think about that
Art, ALan seconded your original motion. An amendment to the original motion has now been proposed, I second that amended motion. If no more reasonable discussion, this thread should be closed.

PS. It's all been said, the majority agree that there wasn't much being done correctly in those photos. eave it at that and adjourn.
Please see my secondment of a motion to adjourn, above. This poor dead horse should be allowed to decay quietly. Along with the 'women firefighters' thing.
no scba on the roof, no back up person, but there is a ladder there, not sure how that is going to help when he falls thur the roof due to the weakened state the roof is in, also there is from what i can count 11 windows and one door open, do they really need to vent the roof ? If they dont have enough man power then why is he even up there ?
sounds like a very good plan
if their is smoke in the area scba's should be on. you got to think about your safty. you don't know whats in the house.

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