Below are a series of photos courtesy "FirehouseGuy" from from a daytime house fire last week in Maryland.

These photos are circulating around the Web on sites such as Firefighter Close Calls on the aspect of firefighter safety ... with the site noting "No one hurt but good pictures from the scene drawing "THINK" attention to PPE, SCBA and roof operations. While we love roof operations when needed, we are don't love un-needed exposure to the smoke -- today's smoke is some nasty crap.....we need to THINK. 1000 active Firefighters die each year to cancer."

What are your thoughts and your department's SOPs for firefighters operating on the roof of structure firefighters?

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Well... of course the FF should have an SCBA on. You always should if your on a roof. However... what I want to address is the fact that many people that have replied to this are saying they would not have allowed the FF on the roof in the first place. Why not??? If you look at those top pix without all the smoke, you can see that there is still fire in the right side of that house... fire that has not been vented and that needs to be struck. Sure that top pix has fire coming through the roof next to the FF but thats because he cut a hole there!!!! Thats the whole point of him being up there. Now... he should have someone else up there with him but as long as they are sounding the roof and its solid, I say get up there and work.

Another real quick point... look at the angle of the ladder that FF climbed up on. Hes safer up on that roof then he is climbing that ladder
I think this person does not need to be on the roof. If he/she does not want to wear all of thier stuff, this includes all of your turnouts/hood/gloves/helmet/boots/and yes your scba. This should not have happened. Being John Wayne on the fire ground gets people hurt and/or killed. Also, where is the safety officer or the IC, and whyy are they letting this person do this? I just think that this is just poor judgement on the firefighters actions.
We are our own worst enemies
I agree 100%, smoke is bad,
Here in Nicaragua 60% of our fire fighter co-workers don’t have SCBA equipment, I don’t have one,
And we still have to work under these conditions.
We keep looking for donations from all over the world trying to get our guys some better working conditions
And this kind of pics, really make you think
Well this is definetly NOT the way for a firefighter or department that matter to be doing Roof Operations.
1. Individual is single man, always work in two's.
3. Two individuals on ground have the right idea, except looking out for their fellow firefighter on the roof.
4. Must be a volunteer department, needing to do more PPE training and Roof opeations training.
Maybe his SCBA is with the other roof ladder that he should be using in that operation...and we wonder why 100 firefighters die annually in the line of duty. Stupidity.
I agree with Phil's comments. No one is perfect and all of us will be caught doing something that is dumb and we know better. There appeared to be many other problems in this picture besides the SCBA's, such as ladder placement and the buddy system. I hope some of these short falls would be discussed in their post incident debriefings, that is if they have one. As more demands are put on us less and less are willing to make the sacrafice of time and effort. We must make efficient use of the limited time that is given, correct problems and deficiencies with positive training without placing blame.
SCBA? Ladder placement? Partner? Someone footing the ladder? LOTS wrong in this picture. No relationship with department affiliation. The fire burns the same no matter who is up there. SOP's SOG's and training are the keys forgotten here.
Its funny how we always come up with some excuse to not follow SOPs/SOGs or standards when it suits us. We are our own worst enemy; we complain if the administration fails tp follow SOPs/SOGs or national standards but it's OK for us to do just that. Think if we all follwed the rules, we would not loose 100 firefighters annually. Oh and to answer the question - fire, smoke FULL PPE!!!!
I’m probably not going to say anything new, I did read most. Ok even if there was no smoke showing, pretty clear, and you did go up without a pack, what happens when you open the hole up???duh. Being up there alone…another duh! Smoke eaters are long gone, or at least should be; pack up every time…all the time, only way to get it across to some people.
I know I'm a rookie and all but I don't even think it takes a firefighter to say, "Hey - wheres your scba?" I don't understand why there is only one guy on the roof, without an scba, and why some dude in jeans is helping with hose. He looks like he might be on the dept. but hello PPE? As for someone mentioning the ladder. Maybe its like that due to the bushes/shrubs.
I also hope that there is nothing explosive or hazards in that little trailer.

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