Below are a series of photos courtesy "FirehouseGuy" from from a daytime house fire last week in Maryland.

These photos are circulating around the Web on sites such as Firefighter Close Calls on the aspect of firefighter safety ... with the site noting "No one hurt but good pictures from the scene drawing "THINK" attention to PPE, SCBA and roof operations. While we love roof operations when needed, we are don't love un-needed exposure to the smoke -- today's smoke is some nasty crap.....we need to THINK. 1000 active Firefighters die each year to cancer."

What are your thoughts and your department's SOPs for firefighters operating on the roof of structure firefighters?

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I agree, and would add that if you're going to operate at a fire in this age of electronic media, then you better be ready for lots and lots of armchair quarterbacking. Some of it may even be from those who have enough experience and training to make reasoned assessments of whether your strategy, tactics, and safety proceedures were appropriate or not. It doesn't matter if the camera operator has that experience and training or not - all it requires is the ability to upload it online.

I think if the fire is that far along why would you send a firefighter up on that unsafe roof first of all. second like most firefighter that i have seen always wear there scba's. in this day in age there so much in the smoke that is burning. if that guy falls though that roof, he is done. if he has an scba on it may by him sometime for someone to rescue him. but i think he has onright to be up there. the ic should be fired for indangering a firefighters live.the house is a total loss. let it burn.

Point taken. I am done with my soap box!
As a member of the Royal Order Of Hose Monkeys,( Those who have spent their carers in the Hose Companies) it appears that one of our brethren has decided to join the Extended Order of Ladder Apes. thus no SCBA required. If you look carefully the guys on the ground have their SCBA's on. Proof once again that Hose Monkeys are smarter.

Now before I get burned in effigy or any other way the above was a joke, or at least intended that way. There is nothing funny about someone taking needless risks. Think of this before you get overcome from the smoke and fall off the roof and break your neck. Don't get upset when the feds turn down your disability application because you weren't wearing the full P.P.E.
I aggree he should have a pack on his back, but wheather he needs to be wasting air.... or not is different story
When the wind shifts, it's too late to mask up. For single-family dwellings, there's no point to wear the SCBA if you're not going to breathe the air.

You may just as well fight the fire wearing a backpack full of rocks.
for one no scba and no tools i guess sop went out the window on this one
Firefighter should not be up there without SCBA, there is to much nasty stuff to breath in. By the way where is the roof ladder?
there is a roofing saw and holding a pike pole. No tools is not an issue here
in no way will i ask where is scba / its east to monday morning quarterback when im not there and do not no entire scenario

anyone really looked at these pic's??
pic #1]appears to vent roof look to right appears search and rescue ops
pic#2]obvious venting
pic#3]appears s&r done f.f's unmasking?chief appearing to be moving toward ladder ? and ladder appears at 2nd floor window to right **hose never moved from front door**
pic#4not sure why f.f stil on roof possibly urinating into vent hole ??
pic#5 ]roof f.f appears to be on ladder exterior fire fighting
pic#6]interior firefighting starts ?? now will answer all complaints lol
appears he is using it to get on the roof

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