Is there anyone out there that is using a helmet camera that they can recommend?

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do you really need a helmet cam? im just askin because i know i personally already have a light and wedges on my helmet and wouldnt wana add anything else to it. would it be used to video the fire for training purposes or for your personal use for like you tube and stuff?
I kinda agree with Mike, i have enough stuff on my helment and really do not want anymore weight on it. I do know there are a couple on the market but do not know which one is better than the other. All the videos i have seen from them are not very goo quality on any of them.
Good luck if you get one and if you do, post them on here so we can all see them. I am interested in seeing what others go thru.
I had one, notice operative word "had". I thought it would be useful for training, maybe post incident critiques. While the video quality is ok in daylight, it leaves something to be desired at night or in low light.

If you are actively involved with a tactical operation, the video results can make the viewer queasy from all the movement and head turning. Works pretty good mounted on the dashboard of the apparatus or POV.

Moral of the story, if you are involved with the incident, concentrate on the incident and leave the photography to someone not involved.
No, never have and never will....we have enough to do and to carry without adding something else that really isn't a need...we do have a remote viewer for our Thermal camera that is nice...the IC can see what we see on his hand held very well.....Stay safe.....Paul
Hey great....but you still are not strapping it to my helmet....Paul
Then you had better make sure that you don't talk or add any commentary to your videos. Make sure you only video what you want to be seen. Now that your videos have been used publicly, all of your videos can be subpeonaed. Is this something that we really want to get involved in? I thought they might be a good training tool. Still not sold on them at all.
I don't see anything wrong with the helmet cam I've got one on my helmet , and like boom it has put an arsonist away for a long time, and it realy don't weight as much as that half of stick of dynamite you call a flash light, at least the cams are a little bit safer, they are heat rated up to 960 degrees, and if you tear it up oregon scientific will send you the parts or replace the unit.
OK....I will bite...How did a helmet cam put an arsonist away...?? I am a Fire Investigator (We call it cause and origin here) and unless you have the clown on camera with a match in his hand then then the camera didn't put him away...A good interview of the Firefighters and the IC would steer the investigators to the area of concern...Arson is one of the hardest crimes to prosecute...Yes, we CAN determine that a fire is suspicious or that a flammable liguid was present...BUT unless you have a witness or a surveillance camera with the person actually setting it you are out on a limb...Sorry, you can't sell me on strapping anything that might get me hung up on my helmet....we have enough to worry about.....Just me point of view....Stay safe......Paul
Ahhhhh...Now I see....The Firefighters afadavit and the IC's statements along with the homeowners/witnesses didn't...? Sorry I cannot justify either the added costs or more gear for the men.....But that's just me and how I see it......Stay safe...keep the faith....Paul
as a person that has used one and enjoys the use of it for the fire can be both a good and bad thing for the member and the dept. it can be used to promote training and investagtions if used right. it can also bebe bad if used on you tube and it can do more damage to the image of the dept . if your dept. is thinking of using it then they must have a policy in place to use it that state's the person may not release any pics or vidieo until it is reveiwed by the cheif or firemarshell officer. this would insure that no one can be blamed for messing up a investagtion that might be asron or anything else
if you are an actually line firefighter, not an officer or spinner (someone who walks around alot but does nothing), these cameras cannot film an actual attack. the constant movement of an attack crew along with poor light conditions make any film gathered from the intial attack crew almost always unusable.
Good point with the company property. I am definitely going to have to use that during our upgrades to our sog's if you don't mind?
I also agree on the hang up factor involved with the camera but that also leads to another topic. To much stuff on your helmet! Nobody in my company has a helmet cam yet and I hope it stays that way. To me unless the quality of the video increases they are for the most part worthless.

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