What piece of equipment do you need, but can't afford due to your annual budget?

I come from a department with a very small ($16,000) annual budget. I know their are other departments out there who have the same or similar circumstances. What piece of equipment would your department like (new or used) but can't afford. My hope is that another department on FFN will see your post and maybe able to help you. Please also post your department name, state, annual budget, and how many calls you run. Good Luck and Thank You.

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We run on a $19,000 a year budget. Could use a new 3,000 gal tanker truck. We have a 79 milk truck we use now, has no baffles, and it has a tendency to stay in gear when you put it in nuetrual, so you have to be really careful when you let the clutch out. We were fortunate enough to get a grant 2 years ago to purchase a new engine. So we only have to worry about 1 truck instead of 2.
Rockport / Mt. Willow , Arkansas , 180 to 200 runs a year . I feel your pain . We have a $16,000 budget also and it does hurt . We could use a lot of things like better air packs , turnouts or helmets . Our biggest need is a good pumper t, he one we have now is a 76 Mack tank leaks and is rusting out .
Good day chaps, in my neck of the woods good equipment is hard to come by, new or used. Most of our stuff needs to be imported from the States or Europe. This makes things difficult with the exchange rates and all. We run a budget of app. R 120 mil per year. The R is for rands, our currency, at the moment it runs at about R12 to the Dollar. Our city has 30 fire stations, proffesional full time service, down in South Africa, Cape Town.
Thus I need to caugh up about R 8000 for a Paratech haligon bar. Do this thirty times to get one per station, never mind one per vehicle.... You do the math.

What I am hoping to get in my xmas stocking is a Searchcam 2000 series or the likes or even some rescue gloves will make me smile. On average we respond to about 100000 fire calls and 130000 medical and rescue calls per year. Welcome to Africa I always tell my students.
Hey Guys!
Just an FYI...don't know if you have heard of this, but Firehouse Subs has a program that if you submit a request to them for equipment, there is a VERY good chance you will get it. Firehouse was started by 2 firefighter brothers from Fla and they have a grant program that assists departments with budget challenges. Go to Firehousesubs.com and check out link to grant program. The rep I talked to said they have bought things as small as TICS and as large as trucks...so go for it! and good luck!
Wow $16,000 we go through that just in wages for a month.
I am not sure what our deptments budget is but me personelly I have several tools I'd like to have and carry but can't afford them right now
Wages ? What is that ?
We run about 70 fire calls (most working) each year. The $16,000.00 contract has to cover all expenses from fuel oil to electricity to insurance and includes any repair to the building or the equipment. The contract with the township is yearly and when we ask for a increase, they threaten to not to contract with us and shift the money to a village volunteer department that is 10 miles away. Our department is now 48 years old and started with a $500.00 a year contract. So you can see they have been keeping up with inflation. lol
The Pine Village Community Fire Department, Indiana has an annual budget of $18,000. We ran 86 calls last year. The thing we need but can't afford is a thermal imaging camera. This year we had to put that aside to get things we needed more but hopefully one day we can afford one.
One of these days someone here is going to have to explain,in depth and in plain simple English, how this contract service works. It seems unique to NY
Briceville Fire department, Briceville Tennessee. Our budget is somewhere in the are of twenty to thirty thousand, its not alot but we do alot of fund raisers. We would like to have another small used mini-pumper or brush rig so we could expand to two stations. or a TIC we run somewhere around three hundred calls a year.
How does the contract service work, I'll go ahead and ask.

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