What do you think about the
new president?

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Yes, the 'ripping him a new one' should wait until after he's been in office for a while. Most people there seem to say that your country is in a mess, nobody can fix that overnight.
I have learned not to say that because just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. Thank you. I have said many times that this crap has been a long time coming. Every time my kids blame the current president for anything, don't forget he can't do much without congress.
The banks made bad investments so they are getting bailed out while the big wigs go home with money in their pockets. Now we are going to do the same with the auto industry. Maybe health care is next, who knows. They flub up & we pay. I paid $1.95 today for gasoline. I am happy about that. But I'm sure the prices that went UP because of delivery charges won't go down now that fuel is cheaper.
Hopefully he does what he says. We need a change!
Why have a political discussion when the fire dept is the largest political machine around lets keep politics out of this
I think the new "pres" is a joke~ he was not elected for what he wants to do or gonna do, he was elected because of his race! Now the white race has now become the minority! Does that mean the white man will now get special hiring priveleges?

Also, how can anyone want a president that does not support our troops and uses them for a political game. In one breath says that he is going to keep the troops in Iraq in one breath and vote against funding for them to have the proper equipment to do thier job.

His wife hates our country! Apparently he does too since all he wants to do is just take away our constitutional rights! For one he wants to take away our weapons, hello since he cant change the constitution he will just jack the prices up of all weapons and ammunition making it nearly impossible to maintain, or for the "working class" he is so worried about, making it nearly impossible to have the access to hunt!

One nation under GOD!!!! Hello, it doesn't say Allah, and here we go elect an idiot that gets his funding from MUSLIMS!!!!! WHAT ARE WE THINKING?

Hmmmmmmmmmm USA born July 4, 1776 Died November 4, 2008 "SUICIDE"
amen brother, and did you get the same email i did??? from pres elect obama, his new jobs are out, he wants all white men to report to the cotton fields at 0700 for training! that and i agree, go buy your guns and ammo now, cause him and that fat pig skank opra and dyke hillary will do everything they can to ban them. i voted for ted nugent, a pres. that would really get something done.
Dangerous topic, in that you better be ready for opposing view points, no matter the view points. So I am taking you are going to allow free speech, and everyone will be allowed free speech, without threat from other posters. If that is the case, here is my 10 seconds of free speech, that you have invited;

Having been involved in the hiring practices in Civil Service on the interviewer side, I can say this for sure, I saw illegal activities in the area of affirmative action..i.e. number 89 out of 91 being interviewed, getting in, while number 3, 4 and 5 were not... this isn't even a race issue..its an experience issue!
It was so easy to take someone that no one, (mainly his supporters) knew nothing about, (he really had no major political history) prop him up and say...here is someone new for a change!

I cant help but wonder if our next President was of a different nationality, or gender...(err..Hilary?)
would he have been elected? He has little or no experience and is now surrounding himself with the old Clinton Cabinet that does have experience.

I would have felt safer if someone with more experience was voted in, I also am not looking forward to a redistribution of wealth, as I do not believe in the neuvoriche (sp?) ideal of taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
As it is the rich who employ us. (in private industry)...if they are taxed more, then they will lay off..not hire....

and just so others realize this is not about race, I am an Alan Keys supporter, he spoke for me! And I am currently on the committee to make Michael S. Steele, head of the RNC. Both those men stand for many or all of my ideals. I wish them well and hope to see them both run in 2012.
Why do you ask/ Is Obama planning any legislation or the like that would benifit or hurt firefights or firefighting?
all im goin to say is that with our job we better be on our toes bc he's def goin to bring the fight back home...when or "if" it happens (god forbid) everybody be safe and look out for one another..

everyone stay safe out there
Bulldozer, You do realize that he doesn't take office until January 20th right? It's a little hard to form an opinion of a man who has yet to take office!
Well as for what I have read. I think a lot of you are right in what you said and rote. All I know is that we are going to have a long tuff road to hold. Because the world is so messed up. It will take time to see if he does what he said was going to do.I think by this time next year,we will see if he does what he said he was going to do. Until then we will be playing the worlds biggest gessing game.I will give him a chance to work and see what happens.All we can do is look out for each other and pray that it get better for us all.So be safe have fun good luck and happy holidays.
Ah, what the heck? I'll jump in also.

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