What do you think about the
new president?

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All I know if can not get any worse than it is... I'm willing to give him a chance .. We need someone who can fix this economy, He has been left with a big mess.. give him timeto try to fix it.
Something tells me the topic of this thread has changed!!!
I was thinking the same- Tony talks about CIS in his response??? I know some might be traumatised about the President elect, but it aint that bad yet!!!!
I am 100% in for giving the guy a chance. My only "urgh" with him is that he ran on this "change" platform and what is he doing? Bringing in the same old guard. I nearly pooed myself when I saw H. Clinton is being considered for Sec of State. WTH? Has he forgotten what the Clintonmachine is capable of. This is the woman that nearly destroyed him in the primaries. I personnaly don't see much change coming in the future. The only change well be in 2012 when the Sec. of Stae out bids the incumbent pres and wins the Demcratic nod to run for the presidency again. If he wants change then he needs to stop the lip service, get rid of all of these old bench warmers ie Clinton, Kerry, yaddayaddayadda. Then comes the biggest dillema...a democrat federal government. You think this past few years there have been few accomplishments, just you wait. Now they have control over it all and now the in-fighting. All of these democrats share a similar vision, but each has their own personal idea on them and now you will see it. There will be more bickering and fighting amongst them. They will want to reach certain things but each will want it a different way. All you have to do is go back in history and see for yourself.It doesn't matter what party has the power. This in coming administration needs to be a strong leader that keep the cogs turning in the right direction, and I don't see it happening. Not with all of the old players that he is brining in. ANYWHO...I'll let someone else have the soapbox for awhile. Be safe and learn something new today.
The house and senate really run this country.... so I guess we just have to wait and see the change. And change for the good will be a welcomed thought!!!

I must point out something though, many middle aged people came out to vote for the very FIRST TIME? due to who was running in the end....
I hope I'm not the only one confused. :) Didn't we have this discussion before? Puttin' my head back in the sand now.
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I removed a comment that was supposed to be in another thread. How it got here is a mystery. But apart from that, isn't he stll the President Elect?
You guys read more than me. I saw my comment leading the charge and thought WTF? I hadn't posted to this thread! So I removed it. Then saw what had happened.

Don't do things like that Bulldozer! And does this topic belong in this forum?
Well only time will tell
I think your right but I gess I will give him a chance
You are right

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