I would like to know why fellow fireman respond without the use of safety belts. We all know the results of not wearing one.

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This is also the mentality that allows the officer or senior members to absolve themselves of guilt when the new recruit, who wants to fit in and won't put on his belt because he doesn't want to seem "uncool" is tossed through the windshield when the rig goes off the road. There is a lot of pressure for new recruits to fit in, and being different isn't always the way to do it. I was actually told by a colleague that I shouldn't be wearing a seatbelt, that lives are actually saved at times by not having as seatbelt on (I would love to see the stats to support this... yes of course there is the odd one, but many, many more lives are saved by wearing them).
I say, especially if the firefighter is younger or new, make a point of at least telling them to wear a seatbelt and for the love of God, lead by example. What's even worse is that kid may be the only one to put on a seatbelt and then be killed anyway when his colleague becomes a projectile and slams into him, possibly while wearing his pack. Sad.
Hmmm...only one reason that I can think of......and that would be....STUPIDITY....or maybe they like the idea of riding in the front.....like through the windshield or thrown out the window...??? It is up to each and every one of us to remind people to buckle up....I have a new method...when I am driviving...I look to see that everyone has buckled up..and if not I just put the truck in park and remind them I'm not moving till you buckle up....normally gets the point across....Paul
It's bad enough having to deal with a potential Accident involving a piece of apparatus, nevermind the fact that Joe Macho is laying in the middle of the road dead because they decided since they were over 18 they didn't have to wear a seat bet that takes seconds to put on.
It's because they're leadership dosen't care. AND THEY DON'T THINK IT COULD EVER HAPPEND TO THEM? WELL THINK AGAIN?
Tim, no disrespect to you or your department, but thats wrong. Apparently their minds muct be weighed down by all them Bugles on their gold badges because obviously they aren't thinking clearly. I can sum it up in 1 question. "what do they gain by not wearing a seat belt while in a piece of fire apparatus?" Now think of all that is gained by wearing their seat belt. End of Story
I forgot to add this... By you wearing your seat belt, hopefully you will have the leading by example and others in the rig with you will do the same. By your response I read I would gather you already do. Keep up the good work.
Maybe your "Officers" enjoy the thought of going to someones house and telling a wife, or a mother that their husband/ son/daughter is not coming home because he was killed GOING TO the fire....This to me is gross negligence on their part and they should be ashamed of themselves....or rather replaced by someone that looks out for their men.......Paul
Dont we all wear our seatbelts in our pov when we are just driving to work or anywhere else? So why wouldnt we wear them when we are driving to an emergency scene. We have the adrenaline flowing and not thinking just on the road, but rather what we are heading for. So why would we do any thing else but wear it.
Problem is you are dealing with common sense...and obviously some people don't have the sense they were born with...............Paul
It sounds to me like the SOP changed to an SOG. We were kicking this around in another thread... don't remember which one. Did your department just have a major revision to your rules and regulations?
Oh good lord....are you boys STILL at it?? You were having at it last night when I went to bed, and here I am the following night getting ready for bed....and here you all are......
WEAR YOUR SEATBELTS..it doesn't get any more complex than that......

Really. Just wear them. All the time. No excuses. Ever.
Mel, apparently they didn't teach seat belt use at the "old school" driver ed class.


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