Kids on the Department,Is it safe and at what age.Do you worry?

We have a good cadet program on our department which allows kids to join at the age of 13.They are not allowed in the hot zones.They can roll hose,stock trucks,clean masks,among other things.We make them attend our meetings to learn safety.This way when they become 18, they can become a firefighter with alot of traing behind them.This is also good for them to help them see what they will go through if they become a full time firefighter.Safety is our number 1 goal.They must keep good grades in school to be on the dept. also.We have a yearly award for the Cadet of the Year which as you know, kids love awards.Does your dept. have a program and how does it work.These are our future.We need to help them learn.Also, other kids see this and get involved.Go ahead, tell us about your dept. or your kid.Be proud of them.

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Looks like there aren't many explorer/cadet programs out there.
Our department has looked into the possibility of a cadet program, but due to the time and money we have yet to have a true organized program. What we have done is allow kids to join at a young age if their parent is on the department. We have one as young as 10. Any others can "join" at 13. They must have a permition form sighned by their parents, and they must keep a "B" average while in school (no matter what age), and they may not be at the station past 2130. They are allowed to come to trainings and must ride in a pick up truck with the Chief. They can participate in any training that does not have to do with physical entry.

Hope it helps.
Well, Ray - I could swear there was a very similar discussion on this not too long ago... I was trying to find it but gave up.

Our Junior program covers youths 14 to 17 years old. The 14 and 15 year olds may participate in drills but cannot be at the fire house past 9 PM on school nights. They aren't allowed anywhere closer than the scene truck at fires and are discouraged from showing up at EMS and MVA calls.

The 16 and 17 year olds are Restricted Active members and can participate in some fireground activities like stretching and manning exterior lines, placing ladders, and other non-IDLH activities.

All Juniors also help with washing hose, truck checks, rolling hose, fundraising and other activities. After the 18th birthday they become full active members by vote of the department, really a formality.

Junior membership time is counted for the purpose of earning credit toward life membership status, too.
Thanks for your comments to all.I hope there are more programs around.My daughter will be elligable to join in 2 1/2 years and I am Sure she will be a better firefighter (and safer) do to her cadet interest.Thanks all and be safe.
We are starting a "cadet" program this year. I am looking forward to it and hope it works out for us, it is just a great idea. It will help departments get new members and help keep kids out of trouble. If you have any ideas that will help us start our program please let me know. Thanks for any help I can get.
We dont have a junior program at our station. But I have tried to get one stagear rted but the town will not go for it. I think the programs are great. I started hanging out at the fire dept since i was old enough to walk. As I got older I got to do more stuff. I went into my first burning house at the age of 8. Dont worry it was a controll burn and i was in full turnout gear and surrounded by 5 ten year plus firemen. I think I made it a whole 5 steps before i got scared and made them take me out.
Thanks Stealthy and Jeremy for your input.Our cadet program also awards "the Cadet of the Year " award to the outstanding Cadet.These teenagers are learning their future and staying out of trouble.Get you parents to join the group " Parents of jr firefighters and Cadets". We are gathering info for all to learn.Thanks again.
Thanks for your reply, those are good ideas for me. Thanks again and be safe.
Well said.I have to re-enforce that safety is number one.I hope to grow our program even more soon.Be safe.
From someone who has been actively involved in an Explorer Post through Boy Scouts & a Jr program covered by our own insurance, I can tell you that it is well worth the effort & aggravation you put up with. Keep them interested, keep them active & train them well. You will end up with some excellent fire fighters.
We have to remember that these could be our next firefighters.Treat them with respect and they will give respect.Firefighters of today have come a long way.Be safe.
While I believ in the value of well structured, organized Junior Firefighter program, I feel they have no place riding apparatus to emergencies, nor should they be anywhere's near any "hot zone". I am amazed to see some local departments that have junior members ride to incidents on responding fire apparatus. I have even heard of one area company that actually used these juniors on structure fires, USING SCBA and entering IDLH "because there were few actual firefighters available" Personally that seems to be worthy of the charge "endangering the welfare of a child" and should be considered a criminal offense. When are some going to learn this isn't a game and it is'nt a club?

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