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I remember one guy telling me a story, I think it happened in the late '70s. He fell off the tailboard of his truck rolled a few dozen times, got up and started walking (no buttons, so no stopping). He just jumped on the next truck coming by and made the fire.

And a couple of guys mentioned the bumps. I remember I never took the middle of the tailboard because if you faced forward (like you were supposed to) and hit a bump, well, the rear suction was right there. When somebody hit that you didn't need the siren anymore. More then one guy thought they wouldn't have children!
This pic looks like it is recent. I say that becouse of the boots are the new globes. Also does that truck look like it is turning in a skid or is it just wet pavement? It looks like they are holding on for dear life........It doesn't matter..........ITS NOT SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. It looks like the jump seat is empty.
there is a perfectly good reason for this..............Early October 2008 with call number 6 for the year, mulch fire at the local bar, Who's driving? Not me.
I too started my fire department career riding tailboard but didn't have the opportunity to experience riding in the snow. Instead, I worked for Montecito Fire Department which is an absolute tropical paradise with the smell of jasmine and other flowering things in the air as you drove up and down the hills. I do remember the hazards of hitting speed bumps and may have grabbed one or two branches... enjoyed your story brother! TCSS, Mike
Mike, was this your department? I kind of thought it was a photo from a parade or some event due to it being illegal to ride the tailboard anymore...
better be careful getting out of bed.. You know how many accidents happen in the home? theceiling can collapse on your face while your in bed,, The bed frame might collapse, Natural gas leak could cause an explosion, a jet airlliner could crash on your house , skylab could fall on your house a Tractor trailer Could crash into your house, your partner could blow the house up, while igniting pharts to.. Man up a little.. OSHA was formed to give some congressman's Nephew a JOB 30 years ago, because the kid couldn't even Make it as a politician..lolol.... Don't slide the pole, someone might twist an ankle, You can'tgo in a fire building , cuz itson fire and dangerous, Make sure You wear your HI Visability vest, so when I am driving home from the office at 30 miles per hour OVER the posted speed limit...... I can avoid hitting you.....maybe... Paleeze
I too enjoyed your story, Jim. Rear hose beds, split bed of 2 1/2 inch supply line... cotton duck coats with removeable liners for summertime...

I forgot about the bumps - we hit a particularly big pothole and I happened to be looking at my partner when we hit. I swear that he flew about 3 feet into the air, but luckily landed on his feet, on the tailboard. As did I, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this. He was a man of few words but on that occasion he used a lot of them, mainly challenging the driver's maternal ancestry.
Nope. Preventable injuries are unacceptable. We face enough dangers, we don't need to add more. rigs have changed for a reason.
Thats My point, however making rigs 14 15 feet high, is pretty stupid and dangerous, I never heard of anyone dieing after falling off the top of a rig's hose bed while it was parked inside quarters until what, last year? specificly shortening the rear step so that its Not safe to ride is a good idea too, except now its easier to get hurt climbing down,around the various appliances dump valves and other crap, hanging off the rear... Many of you folks do realize how much larger rigs have become over the last 30 years without significant gains in most cases in ability to haul much more equiptment. While injury prevention is the basis for much of this stuff, The bottom line is Life is dangerous, and when your doing stuff like firefighting, guess what, Its even more so... Its like I used to ride a bike, I loved riding and gave up riding because I want to stay alive, Motorcycles are inherantly dangerous, which is part of the fun.. the problem isnt the bike though, its the road, and even more so the ignorant other users of said roads that is the biggest issue...

a couple of years ago, we had a job in a 2 1/2 frame, the company officer had his crew Bipass the 1st floor fire apartment to "protect" he and two truck members who were going up to effect a primary search of the apartments above...before the members had even entered the 2nd floor apartment the apartment below flashed over nearly trapping 5 members on the landing of the second floor... They bailed out the window using the fat guy as 1st one out to land on 3 of the 5 had relatively minor injuries and all survived somehow... lesson learned? Most likely None... Oh to make matters worse, The line they had was charged with tank water (500g) and at that time No hydrant.... "another" company came along and stretched a preconnected 2 1/2 off the 1st due rig and the Career engineer when ordered to charge that line to protect an exposure actually charged it.. So Until You figure a way to regulate "stupidity" nothing will ever change
Yea in NY no tailboard riding for any reason.... I'm not for what the thrill would be for anyway.. maybe parades for the little kids.. But still nope in our state...
lets see ,no ,and that is all the explaining you need ,end of story ,period........................... the end, what else do you need

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