Well for me I have loved this "business" since i was a youngster. I live a block away from the station so I can rember when the siren went off i'd rush over to the window and watch all the men rush over to the station jump on the trucks and head out!

I was always captivated how when the siren goes off people come from where ever and drop everything to help in most cases people we dont even know!

I have always had this saying "that the you don't pick the job the job picks you!" We are a different breed of people we care when others could careless! It's not always easy but that's why I love it.

Well im done now lets hear why you love the job!

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This job is great for so many reasons!!!!! Studies show that it is the preferred job for people diagnosed with ADD?

We seldom do the same thing or same type of call twice; which keeps the day interesting. We go where others will not. We are the "fix it crew" for the public's problems. Many in the fire service are problem solvers and feed off getting dirty, working hard and finishing a project. We are optimist, even under the worst situations. We see "humor" in disaster, keeps us somewhat sane. We will run a code and the patient dies, but we can put a spin on it and say we did a good job with ACLS, extrication, etc.. The list can go on and on...

Simply put where can you get that kind of rush from another form of work? Most other forms of employment, workers are usually waiting for the "work" to start and then there is a little rush; example: skydive instructor... (they know the rush is coming, pre-flight, flight up and then just before they jump but we do it everyday without any pre-determined knowledge of what the RUSH is going to be.

Cops are close but they are usually individuals who seldom work as a team. Even in a shoot-out, they are for the most part; on their own where we in the fire service work together as a unit.

I second this remark.
you hit the nail on the head there FETC, we all are junkies:)
Besides all of the good points all ready brought up; The Food, the Recliners, and Safety Naps.
because it is a job that most people cant and wont due. any one can sit behind a desk a push papers. but what is the fun in that. plus if you want to help some one this is the ultimate way to do it. besides how many other people have the guts to run into something or some wehre every one else is running out of. plus it is a great way to meet friends that are just as messed up in the head as you are. :) everyone be safe out there
The rush of feelings when all is said and done.
The brother/sister hood brought me into the job. At the time I was dating a FF and he took me around the station. Once I saw how EVERYONE was family and was willing to help no matter how what, I was hooked. I love when a person comes into the station and is having a bad day, whether it be not feeling good or a situation they find themselves in, then the tones go off and they drop it all and focus on saving a life if need be. I also love how in this job you never stop learning and every ones' opinion counts.
i like doing this because im helping others in need.
I got involved in this job to help protect my community. And I love the adrenalin rush
I have loved it ever since I was 16 years old and it is in my blood and I love to helpout my neighbors in my communities. I love to learn as much as I can so I never see any firefighters get hurt. I ate drank and slept the job and I prayed God was always with us when we would enter the burning structure.God Bless Brothers and Sisters....
Family Tradition!

I love helping people.

NO better feeling than helping someone when the need it most.

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