I was reading and commented on a post about a person who carried all kinds of crap on his helmet and it got me thinking .... What tools do people carry in their bunker or turnout coat pockets ?

I carry in my right bunker pant pocket .. a utility knife, 2 wooden wedges, 4 small plastic wedges (great for plugging sprinkler heads) a pair of klein cable cutters, my right glove

In my left pocket I carry a 6' piece and a 15' of webbing, 2 more wooden wedges, my left glove

My right pocket a pair of pliers, straight screw driver, shove knife, seat belt cutter

My left pocket a phillips screw driver, pair of trauma shears.

I also carry a flashlight with shoulder strap and a straight edge dive knife wire tied to the shoulder strap that rests in the middle of my chest.

Stay Safe ..Make it Safe

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Paul, You are correct that a lot of rehab protocols call for sports drinks instead of water

However, I seriously question drinking a sports drink prior to water rehydration for firefighter rehab. You're dumping a hypertonic solution into the GI tract. That will pull fluid from the cardiovascular system to dilute the sugar and electrolytes in the sports drink, which will temporarily put the firefighter at even greater risk for heat stress-related heart attacks.

The best rehab protocols call for initial rehydration with water, followed by sports drinks. That way you add volume to both the GI tract and the circulating volume prior to drinking solutes, and you avoid the temporary loss of the extra circulating volume.

Bottled sports drinks are better than dumping the Gatorade powder into a big cooler. That can cause excessively high concentrations of solute in the drink. Excessively high concentrations of solutes are more prone to be the cause of nausea/vomiting than is the ice.
Bottled sports drinks give you a known concentration of solutes.

There's nothing wrong with ice water for rehab - it helps with core cooling as well as rehydration. Just don't ice it excssively. We use both ice water from insulated coolers and iced bottled water and Gatorade and Powerade for our rehab, and we've never had a problem with rehab-induced puking.
hey there is a good website that has all kinds of usefull info on whats in your pockets follow the link

You've probably seen the Lionel tool and the new Channel-lock tool, but I'm interested in how you modified your channel locks. Any chance of getting a look, or better yet, have you put out a patent, painted it red, and put them up for sale.
Depends On The Call!!
If it's a fire call I carry my gloves..
Med call I carry My Medical Equipment
I carry a door wedge in my pant pocket as well as gloves. i have a srt knife in my pant pocket. I usually grab the res-q wrench off the engine for fires we make entry on. I have a flashlight on my helmet. I dont like to carry a lot in my pockets cause I have found it gets uncomfortable as well as wears out your turnouts faster when your the small guy and have to do the crawling through tight spots. To each his own however they want to do it as long as everyone comes out is my thinking.

Omnes Domum Cedite
"Everyone Comes Home"
well my right bunker pocket has webbing for door control and rescue .
my left bunker pocket has spanner multi tool and channel lock with the ends of the handles made for picking locks very nice custom tool and wire cutters
my right coat pocket has a flashlight and a cheap little light to throw down hallways looking for holes
my left had different lock tools and screwdrvier and extrication tools, and a door knob cover
and then wedges on my helmet and nails, scissors, and light

just a little piece from what i got
in my pants i have webbing, extrication gloves, and a knife. The rest is in my jacket which holds more webbing a flashlight, window punch, multi-tool, screwdriver, and lineman pliers
Along with shears and other things. I prefer to carry a window punch, and bandana. I have gotten into some situations where I have had to breath through my bandana.
Stay safe, Nikki
I dont have any tools right now in my gear. I just got on a new department and have not put my stuff in the gear yet. But in my old gear with my old house, I had multi tool, gloves, med gloves, wire cutters, screw driver, and a knife. I think that was all.
In my Bunker pants pockets I carry a spanner wrench, seatbelt cutter, a combo tool (Pliers/snips/knife/screwdriver) and a wedge in one pocket. I carry my 2 sets of extrication gloves in my other pant pocket. My fire gloves and my Responder 90*angle flashlight are attatched to my bunker coat so all I carry is my nomex hood and an extra pair of gloves in my coat pockets. I dont carry anything on my helmet , the damn things are heavy enough w/o anything on them why add more weight. : )
I think everyone experiences dictate what they carry. As for me:

Helmet - 1 large wooden wedge, 2 small wooden wedge for sprinklers, and a flashlight

Coat - Leatherman tool, center punch, set of allen wrenches, 3 foot length of webbing, pull station keys, trauma shears, and a flashlight

Pants - 30 foot of rescue rope with 2 carabiners, a tool roll (flat head and phillips head screw driver, snips, cable cutters, and pliers), and a pair of work gloves.

I also carry a small bag on the truck with me that carries my mask, hood, 3-c mag-lite, tin snips, turnout gloves, respirator/filter, ana digital camera.

I would rather have whatever I need with me than have to walk back to the truck to grab it.

Stay safe!
As of a couple of training classes ago I carry 2 sections of webbing a led flashlight, Carabiener, Side cutters Safety glasses, and door wedges. and am thinking of maybe adding more.

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