I was reading and commented on a post about a person who carried all kinds of crap on his helmet and it got me thinking .... What tools do people carry in their bunker or turnout coat pockets ?

I carry in my right bunker pant pocket .. a utility knife, 2 wooden wedges, 4 small plastic wedges (great for plugging sprinkler heads) a pair of klein cable cutters, my right glove

In my left pocket I carry a 6' piece and a 15' of webbing, 2 more wooden wedges, my left glove

My right pocket a pair of pliers, straight screw driver, shove knife, seat belt cutter

My left pocket a phillips screw driver, pair of trauma shears.

I also carry a flashlight with shoulder strap and a straight edge dive knife wire tied to the shoulder strap that rests in the middle of my chest.

Stay Safe ..Make it Safe

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Coat: 15 feet 1 inch weebing with carabineer, safety glasses, electrical tape, door chocks, pen, pad of paper,2 pairs of work gloves.

R Pants Pocket: cable cutters, gerber tool, serated blade knife, channel lock pliers modified with key tool ends, multiple head screw driver.

L Pants Pocket: 20 feet 1 inch weebing w/ carabineer, trauma sheers.

SWAT (Special Wrenches and Tools) Bag: Towel,WD40, Spare Hood,Spare Firefighting Gloves,Pair of Socks, Socket Set, adjustable wrench, wire brush, 40 feet of rope in a bag, and meausring wheel. (This bag stays in the rig and I only use it when needed)

Also carry 50 foot bag of rope w/ carabineer, and Vulcan Box Light.
I carry A seat belt cutter on my helmet

A pelican flashlight is attached on the top left side of my coat
my radio is in the radio pokcet on my top right side coat
and a window punch in my lower right coat poket
I also carry a spanner in my left coat pocket

on my suspenders I carry all my med gear (ie scissors, med gloves, pen light and the such)

In my Left bunker pants pocket I carry my SCBA mask
And in my Right bunker pants pocket I carry My Firefighting & extracation Gloves and my nomex

That is all I diddent realise I carried so much stuff until I started wrighting it all down

FF.Michael Ellis
all i really carry is a pair of wire cutters a nilon strap some spanner wrenches and both my structural gloves and extrication gloves
Well, I am still working it out, as an ultra-newb, but here is the "load" I am developing so far:

Loop on left upper side of coat: nomex hood

Radio Pocket: will eventually be my radio. Right now it holds my stocking cap and eye glasses in a hard case when they are not on my face

Left coat pocket: left glove and small nylon pack containing seat belt cutter, center punch, trauma/bandage shears, kelly clamp, nitrile gloves, a few bandages, bandaides, CPR mouth shields, Isreali pressure bandage, CAT military tourniquet

Right coat pocket: Right glove, Nebo halogen flashlight with laser pointer (cuts nicely through smoke), serrated edge 4" lock blade knife, pedialyte bottle that I emptied and fill with water. When not working inside where it would melt, it fits perfectly into the pocket and acts as a good canteen.

Havent worked out where yet, but: 20 feet of webbing for hose strap, carabiner (also hook one on my pants to hold helmet when its not on my head. As soon as I can afford one: A little Ed on the hook where my hood currently is. (We're not dealing with burns yet that require SCBA so the hood is more to keep out the cold during outdoor training----like today where we are going to be throwing a lot of water).
You will want to check out the OTHER discussion on this subject:

sounds good might add a bottle of water in there and also get the dept to add bottled water to ur trucks 1 case per truck is good
helps when u need a drink badly
Right coat pocket: Extrication gloves.
Left coat pocket: Spare exam gloves.
inside coat/breast pocket: Winter hat.
Right leg pocket: hard case with glasses for under mask, cable cutter, work gloves.
Left leg pocket: 30' of orange webbing, 2 wooden wedges, small bottle of drinking water in hot weather.
Left suspender: Leatherman tool in leather case, (secured with duct tape).
Hook next to radio pocket: Flashlight.

Stay safe!
Right bunker jacket pocket:Safety glasses and Gerber, Left side a pen and paper pad, lower right pocket I carry a length of rope, wooden door stops, and VX gloves, Pants pockets I carry Latex gloves a micro sheild and a window punch.
Wow what is with carrying gloves in your pants pockets? Coat pockets work well, just right for struture gloves. In my pants I carry
Right pocket, tool pouch with tft rescue wrench, cable cutters, wirecutters,both klien, multi bit screw driver, leatherman,and a spanner wrench. I always carry two spanners.
Left pocket, work gloves, 12' hose/rescue strap with carabiner, extrication gloves
Coat inner pocket, stethescope, trauma shears
Coat radio strap, 2 extra carabiners, pelican flashlight
Coat radio pocket, hood
Pants waist strap, smith and wesson rescue knife
Im not all into having the tool box in my turnouts, I carry what I need to get by. I dont understand why people carry a tool set in their pockets. I wear my turnouts often and would get tired of having everything klanking around in my pockets.


R Pocket - Extrication Gloves
L-Pocket - Pair of Firefighting gloves


R Pocket - Klein cutters, Adjustable Wrench, Window Punch. Several pairs of EMS Gloves
L Pocket - Spanner, Serated Blade Knife, Overhaul Gloves
You guys should check out the "Whats in your pocket" page here. It has alot if great ideas about what to carry and where to have it.
OOps forgot to tell you where HERE is.... check out .... www.vententersearch.com ... It's a great site for the inner truckie in us all!!! lol

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