not for KIDS! It is a european shock-movie

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Comment by Josh on February 6, 2010 at 11:13am
I posted this vid on my facebook and got alot of great comments. It was good because i know alot of the ppl that saw it don't see the stuff we do. It was a very great eye opener for many. I would have liked to show it the kids at the local school.
Comment by John L. VanAuken on February 5, 2010 at 6:45pm
I agree this is a good vid, I am a truckdriver and myself have been just a guilty usen the qualcom in the truck while driveing, wich is no diff then a phone just more buttons, but typen on a key board is just as bad. I also see a lot of motorists doing the same thing mostly in the younger generation useing there phones to text seems to be an eppedemic. What is even more scarry, is I have even seen police, ems, and fire service members doing the same thing in there emergency vehicles. You will be surprised what you see when higher then others on the road. I also feel that as much flack as has been put on truckers, that the rule of no texting while driveing is a good idea. I feel that the rule should go down the line to all persons opperating a motorized vehicle, should be against the law and stiffer rules and fines in place if cought texting. I myself beleive in the headset use when talking on a cell phone even, keeps both hands free. I have a good head set with voice comand so all I need to do is say the name and it auto calls the no. I canot say even a head set is perfect but dose help in keeping your eyes on the road. I am saveing this vid for our drill night as well as a copy for our training officer at the company I work for. They did a good job on this and feel that all ages should watch this maybee it will get the point out to our youth and to us adults, it did me and spooked my doughter she happened to walk behind me durring the worst part, she is 7 and yes her friends text and have phones I still wont let her have one yet.
Comment by Brendan Watson on February 5, 2010 at 9:52am
I also agree
Comment by Patrick Dau on February 5, 2010 at 4:09am
i want that many ppl see this Video and think about it. when ONLY ONE crash can be avoided, is endeavor done. god bless you
Comment by Joseph Lucas on February 4, 2010 at 10:44pm
Comment by Harold Richard Hair on February 4, 2010 at 8:41pm
Brian i agree 100%
Comment by Norm Tindell on February 4, 2010 at 5:28pm
Thanks very much. I'll be showing this in a defensive driving class next week.
Comment by Patrick Dau on February 4, 2010 at 10:58am
kids drive no cars, or?! :-) everbody else, yes! i think we mean the same, sorry for my bad englisch
Comment by Brian Mackie on February 4, 2010 at 10:37am
NOT FOR KIDS? I think everyone who drives and texts NEEDS to see this. Especially "kids" (future drivers, NEW drivers, and any driver who believes it can't happen to them, or won't) Just because the Europeans made this, does that mean the clip depicts false results? Are crashes of this nature different from country to country?

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