Explosions During Indiana Semi-Trailer Fire

Thankfully crews from Station 2 ripped passed the house waking me up for this fire! I basically followed the header on this one. Apparently the trailer portion separated from the tractor, crossed into oncoming traffic and came to rest in some dirt. When the trailer impacted the refrigeration unit caught fire and quickly spread to the contents which consisted of 3m tape and pressurized cans of a spray rubber. Multiple cans exploded and flew through the air as firefighters battled the blaze. Crews from stations 1 and 2 responded along with additional resources from New Chicago with a tanker. Great job by all crews on scene and nobody was injured.
Posted November 2, 2010.

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Comment by Larry Taggart on November 17, 2010 at 5:29pm
I see three firefighters with masks on and the only one without is on the nozzle. What's wrong with this picture. I sure hope that someone have the bill of ladding for this truck.
Comment by 343NeverForget on November 5, 2010 at 1:50pm
That's awesome how the guys that actually take their job serious enough to donn SCBA's for a fire are still willing to stand by and give a Chief Officer take the nozzle and fight fire without a SCBA? Better luck to you guys...
Comment by Rick Westerman on November 5, 2010 at 12:50am
Well, at least the video will help OSHA determine the cause of death or injury here. Come on guys this is why there are sites like firefighter close calls, no SCBA, you've got to be joking. Poor performance and setting an even worse example for you guys chief (if the white helmet is a chief) shame on you for not leading through skill and professionalism.
Comment by Kevin Schulz on November 3, 2010 at 9:29pm
Can anybody say Haz-Mat. Why is the chief on the nozzle? If they are short staffed I can understand but when you have three firefighters standing behind you in full PPE is that not a better choice. Just as FETC stated a deck gun or remote monitor would have been a better choice. Given the content that was in the trailer, spray rubber and adhesive tape why would you place your crew in harms way, especially after the cans started to explode. Don't get me wrong it’s great that they were able to contain and extinguish the fire without any injuries but they need to critique the video and use this as a learning experience.
Comment by FETC on November 3, 2010 at 4:04pm
Ahh good ole video depicts our good behavior and the bad as well.

This is HAZMAT fellas....

I note the lack of SCBA use, accountability, opposing streams, etc. Even the videographer is in the burn area!

Deck gun would have done the same but from a much safer distance.
Comment by Peter Eaton on November 3, 2010 at 3:07pm
WOW! A white hat on the nozel with no BA and 3 guys in SCBA behind him. Come on! DON'T EVER BREATH SNOKE. And DESIGNATE. The first call I was on after becoming a Captain is very vivid in my mind. The DC, in a very loud voice, saying "give the nozel to the firefighter and direct their actions". Though, we have a saying where I come from "you can't fix stupid". PE

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