swift water rescue 1,structral fire fighting, big rig extra., auto extra., fire fighter 1, haz mat ops, may day, wild land tactics, and foam ops fire fighter 2, flamible gas emergence, emreg. vech. driver training, Fire Instructor 1, Fire Officer 1, and to many toltal hours to even count. lol
About Me:
just ask
Day Job:
trail boss for Riverman trail rides
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
for the self grattidue that i get form helping others
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the rush, and helping others
Top Issues Facing Responders:
smoke inhailtion, and poor department funding wich leads to lack of equip., and lack of training
That is where tunneling through the trunk comes in. You still can take the roof off but you have to have the Rescue jacks in the right spot, where they are in the pic is a really good spot, which is where we put them when we did it, if you can get it a little closer to the base of the windshield it is even better. I don’t know how much training you have with the jacks but I have seen pics of them lifting a car off the ground a good 5’, so they take a lot. But I still would go with the tunneling, unless there are pt in the back seat.
Class or no class, why would you tack a risk like that when it is not necessary. The risk of something going wrong to the point of getting you badly injured and making your pt injures worse. What would happen if the spreaders slipped and came out of your hands, where would they have gone? If you worked it from the ground and take the roof off, or tunnel it through the trunk. Just look at it as another tool to put in the box, try it in a class some time. If you want. Stay safe, so you can go home.
1) I did see that you have Rescue Jacks on it. 2) Never try to move a car with traped PT you could cause more probles. 3) Never trust your Jacks allways crib. 4) Never trust your cribing. 5) Never get on top of a car that has rold. Cut the roof off it is safer for you and the PT. Dont get me wrong I am not trying to bust your balls. There is always a better way of doing things and there are hundreds of ways to do it. The most inportent things is your safty.
Hey man I sent you friend requst if you need some help with topics for training and such or you just want to b.s. let me know I have been in the interum T.O. position for a little over a year with my Dept. and don't get to disgouraged by some of the folks on this site I have come to realize most of them mean well but alot of them get ahead of them selfs but enough of my soap box and back to the point the help is here if you want it or need it just let me know oh yeah my e-mail is acorey@live.com
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Not everyone can be a leader!
Why do those "Leaders" never use their own initiative?
Because no one told them to...
Chief William J Sharp
Brookings, Oregon