Allen Wahlstrom's Comments

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At 5:07pm on December 15, 2010, res193cue said…
Hi there Allen!

Always fun when people with relatives or family from Sweden contacts me :)
But this is the first time someone has their roots in Uppsala!

Thanks for the invite.. Merry christmas to you too!
At 11:27pm on October 4, 2010, frans said…
hello, nice to meet You, Sir.
At 2:27pm on March 30, 2010, Tammy H. said…
Thank you for your request and your msg. And you are welcome. I love what I do
Semper fi
At 10:32pm on January 28, 2010, Loyd Dittfurth said…
well Amarillo is a big town I got some friends there and my mom, brother, and lil sister live there
At 11:13am on January 18, 2010, WestPhilly said…
At 3:03pm on January 10, 2010, WestPhilly said…
Congratulations to the Arlington Cowboys. (Thank God the Eagles didn't lose to Dallas!)
At 2:47pm on January 2, 2010, Joseph McMahon said…
Thanks Wally. Nice webpage you have. Thanks for the welcome...

At 11:25pm on November 18, 2009, Jason Daoust said…
That would be cool, what is his name and what is his time frame
At 12:33pm on November 17, 2009, Jason Daoust said…
Do you know when you guys will be hiring,my friend mike works with you
At 3:48pm on November 7, 2009, Capkurt said…
Well, it's not OK to be a Vikings fan anywhere! Just kidding, just a little bitter over our former savior:( I would venture a guess there are a few more Viking's fans around in that area of the state than just you. MN proximity and all. They have an awesome team this year with all the old vet's and the new stars they have. Out played the Pack in all aspects!
At 5:11pm on October 30, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
No we no not have the same problem, but some cities have those problems in some areas of the cities (like Malmö). It is kind of a head scratcher to why and how the problem should be solved. Sure the police try to get the persons responsible, but it is almost impossible to catch them due to the lack of evidence. It is against the law to use public cameras etc on the trucks due to the "personal sphere" of the individual should be protected.

But it is basically a political problem and they are really after the police, the firemen just gets in the way sometimes.
So yes it is a problem in some parts, but in 99,999% of the times the firemen are heroes and very appreciated:-)

I glad that you would like to take part in the exchange, I will contact you later so that you can send the material. Then later you can access the other materials on my website.

Yes, building websites is a mess but vital today.
I am also the webmaster of the official website of my department, though it is in swedish you may want to view some pictures from the station.

And our vehicles

Best regards / Lars
At 3:28pm on October 30, 2009, Lars Ågerstrand said…
Tack så mycket Wally!
Thank you Wally!

Well I can tell you that I am working on a website that will allow you to get a much better understanding on how we operate in Sweden and other countries in Europe.
Though the website will not be launched until Jan 2010, been working on the functions and the content for a year now and the pieces start to fall together.
I have a big interest in how other stations and countries operate and a big part of the website will be dedicated to just that, on a fire fighter level.

Maybe you/your department would like to join in on a small part?
We will have an area with an exchange of powerpoints/educational materials on the site. The idea is to get at least ten different materials from different countries and stations so that you could get some new ideas from it. Much is the same, some are impossible to use but their may be some fragments that I can use in my department and my drill.

Best regards / Lars
At 11:54am on October 28, 2009, Ellis A. Archerda III said…
Hey brother,
I have lived here in Manteca since 1999. My wife was born and raised here. I work for DLA San Joaquin Fire Dept. Federal depot next to Manteca. Its a very progressive department and am loving life now.
Be Safe
At 12:18pm on May 21, 2009, Patty Jackson said…
I like the Jags as long as they are not playing the Steelers!! Love my Steeler Football.
At 7:24pm on April 13, 2009, Sarah said…

I just wanted to come by and say hello.. I saw the newer pictures of your kids.. OMG they are growing up! time passes by way to quickly... Hope all is well!

At 1:29pm on March 16, 2009, morris washburn said…
Hello Brother , Thanks for the friendship, I will try to get rid of the major fats ,LOL . I have not rode a bike in about 35 yrs???? The protein is more important. Have a greatwek b safe .
At 4:40am on March 12, 2009, Dustin J. Millis said…
Hey brother... just read your "fat guy" blog. Congrats on the acclomplsment so far!!! I'm hopin you can help me though... I like to consider myself pretty fit and in shape. I hit the gym four or five times a week and run a 2 or 3 miles a day (depending on what i feel like lol) but I want to get into riding. I've wanted to for a long time but dont really know where to start. I'm not sure what bike to really be looking for, what things I should know before starting any serious rides, etc...
At 7:33pm on February 21, 2009, Chris Hayden said…
Thanks for backing me up on the Fireproof discussion. That other guy was an explorer with less than year of experience. I'm sure he's well versed in the ways of the world.
At 6:59am on January 1, 2009, FireCat said…

At 1:02pm on December 29, 2008, Amber said…
Yeah, sorry about your team's loss and sorry you have to be friends with WestPhilly on a day like today. You have my sympathy.

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